Sunday, April 24, 2022

Frontiers of Economic Design (FED)--new online seminar series

Bumin Yenmez and Lars Ehlers announce a new seminar series:

Yenmez writes:

"Lars Ehlers and I are organizing a new online economic-design seminar series. The seminar will (1) meet bi-weekly, (2) have one established researcher and one postdoc or graduate student present at each meeting (45 minutes each), and (3) meet mostly on Fridays noon-1:45pm (EST). We would like to make the seminar especially attractive to young researchers and make it friendly.

 The first webinar will be on May 20. Al Roth (Stanford) and Ellen Victoria Muir (Stanford) will present at the first meeting. The second webinar will be on June 3. Aytek Erdil (Cambridge) and Aram Grigoryan (Duke) will present at the second meeting.

 The website for the webinar is: Please register on the website if you would like to receive further communication from us including a Zoom link for meetings. You can also email to"

Here's the website:

Frontiers of Economic Design (FED)

"The goal of this seminar series is to bring young researchers in economic design and related areas together, to promote their work, and also to disseminate cutting-edge research. Each meeting will feature two presentations: one from an established researcher and one from a graduate student or post-doc. 

The first webinar is on May 20, 2022 between 12:00-1:45pm EST (9:00-10:45pm PST). We have two inaugural speakers:

Alvin Roth on "Controversial markets and the political economy of market design"

Ellen Victoria Muir on "Wage dispersion, minimum wages and involuntary unemployment: A mechanism design perspective" (joint with Simon Loertscher)"

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