Sunday, September 10, 2023

Nudges, shoves, regulations and designs: debate in Behavioral and Brain Sciences

Do "nudges" provide low cost solutions to big economic problems? Are they crowding out more effective, but harder or more expensive approaches?

The latest volume of Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Volume 46 - 2023, (a journal optimized to achieve impact factor, which counts references to previously published articles) contains 34 responses to the (previously published) target article*

The i-frame and the s-frame: How focusing on individual-level solutions has led behavioral public policy astray

Here are two of the responses that might be of most direct interest to regular readers of this blog:

The issue includes two separate responses by the authors of Nudge:

And here's a reply to all the commentary by the authors of the target article:

*Earlier post:

Thursday, June 16, 2022


Saturday, September 9, 2023

Computer science award

A computer scientist whose work I follow has won an award that reflects on both his teachers and students.

Aaron Roth receives 2023 CyLab Distinguished Alumni Award 

"Aaron Roth, the Henry Salvatori Professor of Computer Science and Cognitive Science at the University of Pennsylvania, has been named CyLab's 2023 Distinguished Alumni Award winner.


"Roth earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University in 2010, where he was advised by former CMU Professor Avrim Blum. His dissertation, 'New Algorithms for Preserving Differential Privacy,' gave new methods for performing computations on private data.

"Nominated by his former advisee, now Assistant Professor in CMU's School of Computer Science, Steven Wu, the award recognizes Roth's excellence in algorithms and machine learning, leadership in the field, and commitment to his students.

"As my advisor, Aaron is nothing less than a beacon of inspiration, marked by his relentless curiosity, exceptional instinct for identifying the most exciting questions, creative problem-solving acumen, and impeccable eloquence in communication," said Wu.

"Advising is one of the best parts of my job," said Roth. "Being recognized by one of my former students at the University where I earned my Ph.D. is really special."

Friday, September 8, 2023

Signaling for Orthopaedic surgery residencies

 The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery reports a small survey about signaling behavior among applicants for orthopaedic surgery residencies.

Deckey, David G., Eugenia Lin, Coltin RB Gerhart, Joseph C. Brinkman, Karan A. Patel, and Joshua S. Bingham. "Decoding the Signals: An Analysis of Preference Signaling in the 2023 Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Match." JBJS Open Access 8, no. 3 (2023).

"While previously used in other specialties, the preference signaling program (PSP) was implemented in the 2022 to 2023 orthopaedic surgery residency application process for the first time. The PSP allowed for 30 signaling tokens to be sent by applicants to programs of their choice to indicate particular interest in a program.


"An anonymous electronic survey was emailed to all orthopaedic surgery residency applicants who applied to the authors' institution during the 2022 to 2023 application cycle. The survey was sent after match lists were submitted and closed before the release of match results. 


"The survey was completed by 101 applicants. Applicants applied to a mean of 90 programs (range: 10-197) and received an average of 12 interview invitations (range: 0-39). Applicants almost uniformly used all 30 signals, with nearly two-thirds signaling their home programs (65%, 49/76), and nearly all applicants sending signals to programs at which they performed away rotations (95.7%, 88/92). Applicants received a mean of 9 invitations from programs they signaled, compared with 2 invitations from programs they did not signal."


Applicants report sending signals to all the programs that would have been expected to automatically give them interviews even in the absence of a signaling mechanism--namely their home programs and those which they have spent time visiting in 'away rotations.'

In the Economics job market, which may have been the first to introduce signaling, we limited applicants to 2 signals, and advised them not to signal jobs in which they already had well established mutual interests, i.e. not to signal jobs which they felt would interview them without signals. One of the ideas behind the Econ signaling mechanism is that there are many ways applicants can send signals of interest within a network to which they are well connected. Since some applicants are better connected than others, we were offering some signals that could be sent out of network.

It will be interesting to understand if signals to Ortho residencies are helping promote out of network interviews, or are largely strengthening the network connections already established by medical schools (home programs) and away rotations.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Navigating NYC school choice: advice for families

 Each year a new cohort of families has to navigate school choice in New York City.  The city offers lots of resources for gathering information.  One advantage of employing methods that make it safe to reveal true preference orders is that at least one aspect of the process is straightforward. (Of course, constructing a list of 12 schools out of the many available isn't easy.)

The NY Times offers a guide, which is full of information on how to go about gathering information with which to form preferences over schools:

Applying to N.Y.C. Public Schools Can Feel Daunting. Here’s What to Know. What matters when choosing a school? How should you compare options? And what’s the best strategy for getting your first choice?  By Troy Closson, Sept. 5, 2023,

"What’s the best strategy when applying?

"You should rank schools and programs in order of your true preference. There is no better approach. Students are considered for a lower choice only if a higher ranked school does not have space.

"Admissions experts suggest creating a complete list of 12 schools with a balance of programs, priorities and demand per seat, which you can find on MySchools. Apply by the deadline; there is also no benefit to applying earlier"

HT: Parag Pathak


Another resource:

Abdulkadiroglu, Atila , Parag A. Pathak, and Alvin E. Roth, "Strategy-proofness versus Efficiency in Matching with Indifferences: Redesigning the NYC High School Match,'' American Economic Review, 99, 5, Dec. 2009, pp1954-1978. 

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Same sex unions take a limited step forward in Hong Kong

 The Washington Post has the story:

Hong Kong court hands rare victory to advocates of same-sex unions, By Lily Kuo and Vic Chiang September 5, 2023 

"In a partial victory for Hong Kong’s LGBTQ community, the city’s top court on Tuesday ordered the government to give same-sex couples some form of legal recognition.

"The surprise ruling, which stopped short of meeting demands for full marriage equality, stated that the Hong Kong government had violated gay citizens’ constitutional rights by not granting them an “alternative framework” such as civil unions or civil partnerships.

"The majority verdict decided by five judges on the Court of Final Appeal gave Hong Kong two years to create a new framework that would confer “legal recognition” on same-sex relationships “in order to provide them with a sense of legitimacy, dispelling any sense that they belong to an inferior class of persons whose relationship is undeserving of recognition.”


We are not addressing the question of whether in terms of social policy for Hong Kong same sex unions should be recognized with rights and obligations similar to those presently enjoyed by heterosexual couples. That is a question for the government and the legislature; and social policy is not a question for the court to decide,” wrote Justice Johnson Lam."

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Repugnance watch: same sex weddings in Nigeria are illegal even for guests

 The NYT has the story:

Nigeria Arrests Dozens Over Same-Sex Wedding. A 2014 law makes such unions illegal in the country. Anyone found guilty of taking part can also face up to 10 years in prison. By Emma Bubola 

"The police in Nigeria have arrested over 60 people who were in attendance at what the authorities claimed was a same-sex wedding, reinforcing a crackdown on L.G.B.T.Q. people in Africa’s most populous nation.

"The police also broadcast the identities of some of those arrested on social media and encouraged members of the public to help “uphold the moral standards of the society” by providing relevant information — moves that raised concern that those who attended the event would be subjected to stigma or violence.

"Under a 2014 law, anyone entering a same-sex marriage or civil union in Nigeria can be imprisoned for up to 14 years. Those who administer or witness such a ceremony can face up to 10 years in prison. At the time it was enacted, the U.S. secretary of state, John Kerry, said the law violated basic human rights protections."

Monday, September 4, 2023

Covid medication: allocation, information, hesitancy, and uptake: what are some things we have learned?

 I've posted before about how informational advertising about vaccine availability and safety seems to have had a positive effect on vaccination rates among disadvantaged populations. There was particular concern in the U.S. at one point that Black people were less likely to receive vaccines and other medications than other Americans.

Today's post collects several papers about the effect of randomly allocating invitations for temporarily scarce Covid medications, while giving members of disadvantaged groups a higher probability of receiving an invitation.  Included will be an editorial warning us that we shouldn't be satisfied to judge the outcome of a market design by its intended outcome ("Moving Beyond Intent and Realizing Health Equity").

There are market design lessons in these last few years of Covid experience that I hope will help make the responses to future pandemics more effective. Not least of these is that the allocation of public health  and medical resources turns out to be quite different from  the allocation of other kinds of resources, in many important ways that reflect the broader economic and social environments in which different kinds of allocation takes place.


Here's a paper in the most recent issue of JAMA Health Forum, by a team that includes both medical professionals and market designers.

Weighted Lottery to Equitably Allocate Scarce Supply of COVID-19 Monoclonal Antibody , by Erin K. McCreary, PharmD1; Utibe R. Essien, MD, MPH2,3; Chung-Chou H. Chang, PhD4,5; Rachel A. Butler, MHA, MPH6; Parag Pathak, PhD7; Tayfun Sönmez, PhD8; M. Utku Ãœnver, PhD8; Ashley Steiner, BS9; Maddie Chrisman, PT, DPT10; Derek C. Angus, MD, MPH11; Douglas B. White, MD, MAS11, JAMA Health Forum. 2023;4(9):e232774. Sept. 1, doi:10.1001/jamahealthforum.2023.2774 

"Objective  To describe the development and use of a weighted lottery to allocate a scarce supply of tixagevimab with cilgavimab as preexposure prophylaxis to COVID-19 for immunocompromised individuals and examine whether this promoted equitable allocation to disadvantaged populations.

"Design, Setting, and Participants  This quality improvement study analyzed a weighted lottery process from December 8, 2021, to February 23, 2022, that assigned twice the odds of drug allocation of 450 tixagevimab with cilgavimab doses to individuals residing in highly disadvantaged neighborhoods according to the US Area Deprivation Index (ADI) in a 35-hospital system in Pennsylvania, New York, and Maryland. In all, 10 834 individuals were eligible for the lottery. Weighted lottery results were compared with 10 000 simulated unweighted lotteries in the same cohort performed after drug allocation occurred.

"Main Outcomes:  Proportion of individuals from disadvantaged neighborhoods and Black individuals who were allocated and received tixagevimab with cilgavimab.

"Results:  Of the 10 834 eligible individuals, 1800 (16.6%) were from disadvantaged neighborhoods and 767 (7.1%) were Black. Mean (SD) age was 62.9 (18.8) years, and 5471 (50.5%) were women. A higher proportion of individuals from disadvantaged neighborhoods was allocated the drug in the ADI-weighted lottery compared with the unweighted lottery (29.1% vs 16.6%; P < .001). The proportion of Black individuals allocated the drug was greater in the weighted lottery (9.1% vs 7.1%; P < .001). Among the 450 individuals allocated tixagevimab with cilgavimab in the ADI-weighted lottery, similar proportions of individuals from disadvantaged neighborhoods accepted the allocation and received the drug compared with those from other neighborhoods (27.5% vs 27.9%; P = .93). However, Black individuals allocated the drug were less likely to receive it compared with White individuals (3 of 41 [7.3%] vs 118 of 402 [29.4%]; P = .003).


"Conclusions and Relevance:  The findings of this quality improvement study suggest an ADI-weighted lottery process to allocate scarce resources is feasible in a large health system and resulted in more drug allocation to and receipt of drug by individuals who reside in disadvantaged neighborhoods. Although the ADI-weighted lottery also resulted in more drug allocation to Black individuals compared with an unweighted process, they were less likely to accept allocation and receive it compared with White individuals. Further strategies are needed to ensure that Black individuals receive scarce medications allocated."


"The lottery was repeated over several weeks, but we chose to examine only the first assignment. The interpretation of later rounds is problematic because eventually all individuals were offered tixagevimab with cilgavimab. By focusing on the first draw, we can specifically evaluate whether the intent of the lottery was met."


Closely related reports:

White, D.B., McCreary, E.K., Chang, C.C.H., Schmidhofer, M., Bariola, J.R., Jonassaint, N.N., Persad, G., Truog, R.D., Pathak, P., Sonmez, T. and Unver, M.U., 2022. A multicenter weighted lottery to equitably allocate scarce COVID-19 therapeutics. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 206(4), pp.503-506.

Rubin, E., Dryden-Peterson, S.L., Hammond, S.P., Lennes, I., Letourneau, A.R., Pathak, P., Sonmez, T. and Ãœnver, M.U., 2021. A novel approach to equitable distribution of scarce therapeutics: institutional experience implementing a reserve system for allocation of COVID-19 monoclonal antibodies. Chest, 160(6), pp.2324-2331.*

White, D.B. and Angus, D.C., 2020. A proposed lottery system to allocate scarce COVID-19 medications: promoting fairness and generating knowledge. Jama, 324(4), pp.329-330.


And here's an editorial in the same issue of JAMA Health Forum as the most recent article, pointing out that less-disadvantaged patients among those living in census blocks identified as disadvantaged (in particular  commercially insured and White patients) were much more likely to receive the treatment:

Moving Beyond Intent and Realizing Health Equity, by Atheendar S. Venkataramani, MD, PhD, Invited Commentary, September 1, 2023, JAMA Health Forum. 2023;4(9):e232525. doi:10.1001/jamahealthforum.2023.2525

"In a study published in this issue of JAMA Health Forum, McCreary and colleagues3 report on a landmark effort at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) to distribute equitably a scarce monoclonal antibody resource, tixagevimab with cilgavimab, for COVID-19 preexposure prophylaxis in immunocompromised individuals. In December 2021, UPMC received an allotment of 450 doses of tixagevimab with cilgavimab from the Pennsylvania Department of Health to cover a large health system with 35 hospitals and 800 outpatient facilities through February 2022. In an ex ante effort to mitigate health disparities and respond to guidance from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to allocate scarce resources in a manner that accounts for multiple ethical objectives, UPMC convened an advisory group of clinicians, community stakeholders, and experts in community outreach.


"The lottery was constructed using the Area Deprivation Index (ADI) to ensure that patients in highly disadvantaged neighborhoods had an equal opportunity to access tixagevimab with cilgavimab. Patients living in neighborhoods with ADIs above a specific cutoff that has been shown to best target less affluent, rural, and Black patients received 2 entries in the lottery, compared with 1 entry for patients in more advantaged neighborhoods. In their study, McCreary and colleagues3 found that this process resulted in equitable access: similar proportions of individuals in more advantaged and more disadvantaged neighborhoods (about 28% in each group) received tixagevimab with cilgavimab during the study period, although Black patients who were allocated the drug in the lottery were significantly less likely to receive it compared with White patients (7.3% vs 29.4%).


"Having identified its patient population, UPMC required only patient addresses as well as publicly available data on ADIs to implement the lottery intervention. The ADIs are defined at the census block group level, which include about 1000 residents on average. Thus, UPMC was able to achieve equitable opportunity to access tixagevimab with cilgavimab across small localities with very different socioeconomic profiles.


On the other hand, higher-resolution data that specifically measure the types of intersecting, reinforcing, and cumulative disadvantages faced by historically marginalized groups5 may be needed to achieve equitable outcomes across other dimensions, such as race and ethnicity. Within census blocks, patients assigned the same ADI levels but who may have faced relatively fewer structural barriers compared with Black patients or patients receiving Medicaid—namely, commercially insured and White patients—were more likely to access tixagevimab with cilgavimab conditional on being allocated to receive it in the lottery


"The lower rates of drug receipt among Black patients also underscores the importance of complementary investments and operational decisions to address additional structural barriers to accessing medical technology.


"The study by McCreary and colleagues3 represents the type of courageous and rigorous work that is needed to chart a path forward in determining how best to bridge the access gap for leading-edge medical technology. Future work would benefit from the same type of clarity demonstrated in this study by including clear definitions for how equity should be operationalized, attempting to address fragmentation between clinical services and services that address social drivers of health, aligning incentives, and addressing historical barriers that have made it difficult to achieve health equity."



Saturday, August 14, 2021

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Protest against political persecution of Prof Muhammad Yunus, and more general threats to democracy in Bangladesh

 The Bangladesh Daily Star publishes an open letter, and the NY Times provides some general background.

Here's the  open letter to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina:

‘Judicial harassment of Yunus’: 104 Nobel laureates, 79 global figures voice concern

"A total of 104 Nobel Laureates and 79 other global figures in an open letter to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina yesterday expressed concern about the safety and freedom of Nobel Laureate Prof Muhammad Yunus.


"As you know, Prof Yunus' work, which has been inspirational to all of us, focuses on how social business can be a force for international progress resulting in zero poverty, zero unemployment, and zero net carbon emissions. He is a leading example of how Bangladesh and Bangladeshis have contributed to global progress in recent decades. We sincerely wish that he be able to continue his path-breaking work free of persecution or harassment.


"According to the case documents, officials of the Inspection for Factories and Establishments Department on August 16, 2021, inspected the office of Grameen Telecom in the capital's Mirpur and found several violations of labour laws.

"On June 6 this year, the court framed charges against the accused -- including Prof Yunus -- in the case. The trial began on August 22.


"In its review, the law firm said, "Professor Yunus is facing six months in prison for a crime that he not only did not commit, but that legally does not exist….Events are moving quickly in Bangladesh driven by a forthcoming election and a presumed desire to imprison Prof Yunus prior to that election….Not only are the allegations entirely without merit, but the legal process is wrong in law….A miscarriage of justice is happening in Bangladesh and the state must not be allowed to carry it to its conclusion."

"Following are the Nobel Laureates who are the signatories of the letter:

PEACE: Barack H. Obama, 2009; José Ramos-Horta, 1996; Mairead Corrigan-Maguire, 1976; Shirin Ebadi, 2003; Leymah Roberta Gbowee, 2011; Albert Arnold Gore Jr., 2007; Tawakkol Karman, 2011; Denis Mukwege, 2018; Nadia Murad, 2018; Maria Ressa, 2021; Oscar Arias Sanchez, 1987; Juan Manuel Santos, 2016; Rigoberta Menchu Tum, 1992; and Jody Williams, 1997.

CHEMISTRY: Peter Agre, 2003; Thomas R. Cech, 1989; Martin Chalfie, 2008; Emmanuelle Charpentier, 2020; Aaron Ciechanover, 2004; Johann Deisenhofer, 1988; Jacques Dubochet, 2017; Joachim Frank, 2017; Walter Gilbert, 1980; Alan Heeger, 2000; Richard Henderson, 2017; Dudley R. Herschbach, 1986; Avram Hershko, 2004; Roald Hoffmann, 1981; Robert Huber, 1988; Martin Karplus, 2013; Brian K. Kobilka, 2012; Yuan T. Lee, 1986; Robert J. Lefkowitz, 2012; Jean-Marie Lehn, 1987; Michael Levitt, 2013; Tomas Lindahl, 2015; Paul L. Modrich, 2015; John C. Polanyi, 1986; Jean-Pierre Sauvage, 2016; Sir John E. Walker, 1997; Arieh Warshel, 2013; and Sir Gregory P. Winter, 2018.

ECONOMICS: Oliver Hart, 2016; Finn E. Kydland, 2004; Paul R. Milgrom, 2020; Edmund Phelps, 2006; Alvin E. Roth, 2012; Vernon L. Smith, 2002; and Joseph E. Stiglitz, 2001.

LITERATURE: J. M. Coetzee, 2003; Herta Muller, 2009; Orhan Pamuk, 2006; and Wole Soyinka, 1986.

MEDICINE: Harvey J. Alter, 2020; David Baltimore, 1975; Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, 2008; J. Michael Bishop, 1989; Elizabeth H. Blackburn, 2009; William C. Campbell, 2015; Peter C. Doherty, 1996; Jeffrey Connor Hall, 2017; Leland H. Hartwell, 2001; Jules A. Hoffmann, 2011; Tasuku Honjo, 2018; H. Robert Horvitz, 2002; Sir Michael Houghton, 2020; Craig C. Mello, 2006; Edvard Moser, 2014; May-Britt Moser, 2014; Sir Paul M. Nurse, 2001; Ardem Patapoutian, 2021; Sir Peter J. Ratcliffe, 2019; Charles M. Rice, 2020; Sir Richard J. Roberts, 1993; Michael Rosbash, 2017; Gregg L. Semenza, 2019; Hamilton O. Smith, 1978; Jack W. Szostak, 2009; Harold E. Varmus, 1989; Eric F. Wieschaus, 1995; Torsten N. Wiesel, 1981; and Michael W. Young, 2017.

PHYSICS: Barry Clark Barish, 2017; Steven Chu, 1997; Andre Geim, 2010; Sheldon Glashow, 1979; David J. Gross, 2004; John L. Hall, 2005; Takaaki Kajita, 2015; Anthony J. Leggett, 2003; John C. Mather, 2006; Michel Mayor, 2019; Arthur B. McDonald, 2015; Konstantin Novoselov, 2010; Giorgio Parisi, 2021; James Peebles, 2019; Roger Penrose, 2020; William D. Phillips, 1997; H. David Politzer, 2004; Brian P. Schmidt, 2011; Horst L. Stormer, 1998; Daniel C. Tsui, 1998; Carl E. Wieman, 2001; and David J. Wineland, 2012."


The letter also appeared as an ad in the International edition of the New York Times:


And here's the NY Times story: 
The most active rivals to the country’s ruling party face dozens, even hundreds, of court cases each, paralyzing the opposition as a crucial election approaches. By Mujib Mashal 

"Bangladesh’s multiparty democracy is being methodically strangled in crowded courtrooms across this country of 170 million people.

"Nearly every day, thousands of leaders, members and supporters of opposition parties stand before a judge. Charges are usually vague, and evidence is shoddy, at best. But just months before a pivotal election pitting them against the ruling Awami League, the immobilizing effect is clear.

"About half of the five million members of the main opposition party, the Bangladesh Nationalist Party, are embroiled in politically motivated court cases, the group estimates. The most active leaders and organizers face dozens, even hundreds, of cases."

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Innovations in medicine: psychedelic drugs to treat depression

 Here's an editorial in JAMA that accompanies a report on treating some depressive patients using psilocybin therapy.

Psychedelic Therapy—A New Paradigm of Care for Mental Health, by Rachel Yehuda, PhD Amy Lehrner, PhD JAMA. Published online August 31, 2023. doi:10.1001/jama.2023.12900

"An increasing number of clinicians and researchers have become interested in the potential of psychedelic drugs for the treatment of mental health disorders, including depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder, eating disorders, and addictions.1,2

"Currently, most psychedelic compounds are illegal under federal law. They were placed on the most restrictive class of drugs, Schedule I, in the 1970s as part of the “war on drugs,” meaning that they were considered to have high potential for abuse with no accepted medical use.2 However, the ever-growing global mental health crisis, coupled with the shortage of effective therapeutic strategies, has given rise to a reconsideration of the therapeutic potential of these compounds in recent years.


"The study by Raison et al provides an excellent example of the promise of this new approach using psilocybin therapy for patients with major depressive disorder.3 Although the trial was relatively small, it demonstrated that a single dose of psilocybin in the context of a 6-week period that included active psychotherapy resulted in a rapid, robust, and sustained reduction in depressive symptoms.

"Psilocybin is a naturally occurring compound belonging to a class of compounds known as tryptamines, similar to lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), dimethyltryptamine (DMT), and mescaline. Understanding its therapeutic efficacy requires an appreciation of the context in which it is used, and not just its pharmacological profile or biological mechanism of action. The psychotherapy that occurs with the psychedelic medication is a critical component of this approach.4


"The social, economic, and public health impacts of untreated mental disorders demand solutions. If psychedelic therapies do prove to have enduring effects after just a single or a few administrations in the context of a few sessions for preparation and integration, they have the potential to offer not just a new approach to mental health care, but an entirely new paradigm of care."

Friday, September 1, 2023

Innovations in addiction technology--illicitly manufactured fentanyl (IMF) combined with xylazine

 The fight against addictions is complicated by the fact that those who sell addictive goods can be innovative on many levels. (In the case of legal addictive substances such as nicotine, we are becoming accustomed to that competition, e.g. in connection with the growth of non-combustible vaping.)

Here's an article about innovation involving illegal opioids.

The emerging fentanyl–xylazine syndemic in the USA: challenges and future directions, by David T Zhu, Joseph Friedman, Philippe Bourgois, Fernando Montero, Suzanne Tamang, Lancet, August 24, 2023 DOI:

"Xylazine, a non-opioid analgesic and sedative approved only for non-chronic veterinary use, is spreading across unregulated North American drug markets and becoming increasingly implicated in opioid overdoses. Between 2018 and 2021 in the USA, estimated fatal drug poisonings involving xylazine, often co-occurring with synthetic opioids such as fentanyl, increased from 260 to 3480 cases.1 This use of xylazine takes place in the context of the ongoing US opioid overdose crisis, which is expected to claim an estimated 1·2 million additional lives by 2029, barring urgent substantial policy reforms.2 The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy identified fentanyl adulterated or associated with xylazine (FAAX) as an emerging threat and in July, 2023, issued a response plan leveraging the Emerging Threats Committee and other vital stakeholders.3 Although this is a welcome strategy that sets out the federal government's plan to address xylazine, further non-punitive efforts and public health interventions are needed from health-care systems, policy makers, and community leaders to address the longer-term structural factors driving this crisis.


"Although more evidence is needed about why xylazine is combined with fentanyl, some reports suggest that by adding xylazine as an adulterant for synthetic opioids such as IMF, manufacturers can potentially maximise profits and distinguish their brand in the market, attracting a wider customer base.6,  7 This has most notably been observed in Philadelphia, PA, USA—regarded as an epicentre of the emerging xylazine crisis in mainland USA—where over 90% of the city's street opioid supply has shifted to FAAX.8 Further, xylazine has been described by people who use drugs as lengthening the sedative effects of IMF—solving the disadvantage of fentanyl's short duration of effect—thereby postponing craving and physical withdrawal symptoms"

Thursday, August 31, 2023

The underbelly of the global art market (NYT)

 Art is not just art, it's also an investment opportunity, and one that evades many of the regulations that apply to investments recognized as securities.

The NY Times has the story, which is long and interesting throughout.  It follows an investigation begun by the lawyer Claude Dumont Beghi .

The Inheritance Case That Could Unravel an Art Dynasty/How a widow’s legal fight against the Wildenstein family of France has threatened their storied collection — and revealed the underbelly of the global art market.  By Rachel Corbett

"First, she drew up a list of known assets, which soon zigzagged into a chart of far-flung bank accounts, trusts and shell corporations. Over the course of several years, she would fly around the world to tax havens and free ports, prying open the armored vaults and anonymous accounts that mask many of the high-end transactions in the $68 billion global art market. Multimillion-dollar paintings can anonymously trade hands without, for example, any of the requisite titles or deeds of real estate transactions or the public disclosures required on Wall Street. She would learn that the inscrutability of the trade has made it a leading conduit for sanction-evading oligarchs and other billionaires looking to launder excess capital. 


"Independent of any national jurisdiction, free ports allow traders to ship and store property without paying taxes or customs duties. If a dealer buys a painting in one country, he can ship it to a free port without paying import taxes; then, when he is offered the right price, he can sell it there too, without paying capital gains. It has been estimated that $100 billion worth of art and collectibles are held in the Geneva free port alone, to say nothing of those in Zurich, Luxembourg, Singapore, Monaco, Delaware or Beijing.


"many of their practices are commonplace in high levels of the art trade, which a 2020 U.S. Senate subcommittee called the “largest legal, unregulated market.” Unlike financial institutions, art businesses are not expressly subject to the Bank Secrecy Act, which requires firms to verify customers’ identities, report large cash transactions and flag suspicious activity. A study from the U.S. Department of the Treasury last year cited a figure estimating that money laundering and other financial crimes in the art market may amount to about $3 billion a year. (Britain and the European Union, however, have implemented anti-money-laundering regulations that require stricter due diligence in art transactions there.)

"According to a report by Art Basel and UBS, auction houses did about $31 billion in sales last year. They say that they know who their clients are, but those may just be the names of art advisers or other intermediaries. And collectors’ insistence on anonymity, long framed as genteel discretion, hasn’t budged. The buyer of the most expensive artwork ever sold at auction, Leonardo da Vinci’s $450.3 million “Salvator Mundi,” registered at Christie’s a day before bidding with a $100 million down payment, identifying himself as one of 5,000 princes in Saudi Arabia. A few weeks later, it was revealed that the true buyer was Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman — who was reportedly displaying the painting on his superyacht — and that a little-known cousin of his bought it as a proxy." 

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Minimal envy mechanisms, by Julien Combe

 Here's an article I missed when it came out online:

Reallocation with priorities and minimal envy mechanisms, by Julien Combe, Economic Theory volume 76, 551–584 (2023)

"Abstract: We investigate the problem of reallocation with priorities where one has to assign objects or positions to individuals. Agents can have an initial ownership over an object. Each object has a priority ordering over the agents. In this framework, there is no mechanism that is both individually rational (IR) and stable, i.e. has no blocking pairs. Given this impossibility, an alternative approach is to compare mechanisms based on the blocking pairs they generate. A mechanism has minimal envy within a set of mechanisms if there is no other mechanism in the set that always leads to a set of blocking pairs included in the one of the former mechanism. Our main result shows that the modified Deferred Acceptance mechanism (Guillen and Kesten in Int Econ Rev 53(3):1027–1046, 2012), is a minimal envy mechanism in the set of IR and strategy-proof mechanisms. We also show that an extension of the Top Trading Cycle (Karakaya et al. in J Econ Theory 184:104948, 2019) mechanism is a minimal envy mechanism in the set of IR, strategy-proof and Pareto-efficient mechanisms. These two results extend the existing ones in school choice."

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

OB-GYN doctors will use a new application system to apply to residency programs (but will continue to go through the NRMP resident match)

 Before new doctors can participate in the resident match (by engaging with the NRMP), they first have to apply to residency programs, and arrange interviews.  This process has been experiencing congestion, and the specialty of Obstetrics and Gynecology has now decided to switch application services. 

However, participation in the NRMP will not change: the Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics (APGO) FAQ states "Obstetrics and gynecology applicants will use the National Residency Match Program (NRMP) for the Match. This new application does not change how the applicant or programs interact with the NRMP Match system."

Medpage Today has the story:

Ob/Gyn Switching to Independent System for Residency Applications— This is the last year ob/gyn will use ERAS, despite helping to pilot the program  by Rachael Robertson, Enterprise & Investigative Writer, MedPage Today August 25, 2023

"Beginning next year, ob/gyn programs will start using an independent system for processing residency applications, rather than the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS).

"The joint decision to switch to the new system was made by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), the Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics (APGO), and the Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology (CREOG). The new system will be managed by Liaison International, which uses "Centralized Application Service (CAS) technology," according to the company's website.


"A joint statement on the APGO website opens in a new tab or window

said that the new system "will be user friendly and efficient, less expensive for applicants, and will directly decrease the burdens faced by program directors, program managers, and applicants alike," and "will incorporate the entirety of interview season functions, from application submission, review, interview offers and interviews, to rank list submission."

ACOG explained that the decision to pull the ERAS stemmed from the Right Resident, Right Program, Ready Day One initiativeopens in a new tab or window, noting that the new system is mobile-friendly and "will include immediate fee reduction," as detailed on their FAQ pageopens in a new tab or window.

In response, the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), which runs ERAS, issued a statementopens in a new tab or window attributed to President and CEO David J. Skorton, MD, and Alison J. Whelan, MD, the chief academic officer, saying they were "surprised and dismayed" by the decision. 


"Bryan Carmody, MD, of Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, shared information  opens in a new tab or window

about the change on social media, writing on his blogopens in a new tab or window that ob/gyn program directors helped to pilot ERAS when it was first rolled out in the mid-90s.

Carmody told MedPage Today that he anticipates the biggest downsides will fall on applicants, such as those who want to apply to another specialty in addition to ob/gyn.

"Those applicants will have to use one system to apply to ob/gyn and another to their other specialty," he explained. "The same thing applies to applicants who fail to match. They'll have to use ERAS to apply to another specialty during SOAP [Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program] since few, if any, ob/gyn positions are typically available."


OB-GYN will continue to employ signaling  (very loosely modeled on the signaling used in the Econ PhD job market, but asking applicants to submit 3 "gold" signals and 15 "silver" signals): 

Program Signaling for OBGYN Residency Application Background and FAQs



Friday, April 21, 2023

Monday, August 28, 2023

Unclaimed bodies and medical school anatomy classes.

 There's a long history of unclaimed bodies being used in medical school anatomy classes. (I think the historical availability of such cadavers is one of the reasons that the Harvard Medical School is in Boston rather than Cambridge.*)  Here's an update on the practice, in Texas.

Unclaimed Bodies and Medical Education in Texas, by Eli Shupe, PhD1; Serena Karim2; Daniel Sledge, PhD, JAMA.  online August 24, 2023

"The use of unclaimed bodies (bodies not claimed by next of kin for burial or cremation) in gross anatomy education in the US has declined substantially since the middle of the 20th century owing to increases in voluntary donations and escalating ethical concerns.1-3 Nonetheless, in most US jurisdictions, counties can donate unclaimed bodies to science without consent from the deceased or their next of kin, with some medical schools still accepting such donations. The current scope and magnitude of the use of unclaimed bodies in the US is underresearched, although one 2019 study found that anatomy course leaders at 12.4% of surveyed US medical schools indicated possible use of unclaimed bodies at their institutions.4 The objective of this study was to examine the trends in use of unclaimed bodies in medical education in Texas.


"We found that during 2017-2021, 6 of the 14 medical schools in our sample (42.9%) either engaged in the direct procurement and use of unclaimed bodies (2 schools, 14.3%) or received transferred cadavers from schools that did (4 schools, 28.6%). The remaining 8 schools (57.1%) had no possible use of unclaimed bodies."


*Here's a related story from the Harvard Crimson:

Harvard's Habeas Corpus: Grave Robbing at Harvard Medical School, BY NURIYA SAIFULINA, September 28, 2017

"Harvard’s corpse legacy began in late 18th century, when the newly opened Medical School began hiring grave diggers—not to bury bodies, but to exhume them. According to a 2015 history of the so-called “resurrection men” in Synthesis, an undergraduate history of science journal, the diggers snuck into Boston’s burial grounds in search of new graves, stealthily dug up some of the most “fresh” residents, and refilled the graves to avoid arousing suspicion.


"Around 1770, Joseph Warren founded an illicit secret society called the “Spunker Club,” also known as the “Anatomical Club.” His older brother, John Warren—the founder of Harvard Medical School—was also a member. Some of the club’s most notable members included a William Eustis, the future governor of Massachusetts, and Samuel Adams’ son.


"As “resurrection men” and body-snatching enthusiasts continued to ransack Boston graveyards, civil indignation incited the Act to Protect the Sepulchers of the Dead in 1815, making disturbance of buried bodies illegal and prompting a citywide patrol of graveyards and burial grounds.

"This legislature forced Harvard Medical School to “import” the cadavers from New York instead, where body snatchers were “emptying at least six hundred or seven hundred graves annually,” according to an article in the Boston Gazette.

"After the Massachusetts Medical Society published a plea in 1829 claiming that medical students had no other choice but to pursue their studies “in defiance of the law of the land,” the school’s need for illegally-obtained cadavers waned. Massachusetts passed the Anatomy Act of 1831, which allowed for dissection of the unclaimed bodies of the indigent, insane and imprisoned."

Sunday, August 27, 2023


Tonight, Sunday, at 5:30pm California time, I'll be opening the Monday morning session in Hong Kong of the THE 18TH CONGRESS OF ASIAN SOCIETY OF TRANSPLANTATION 25 -28 August 2023.

Keynote Lecture
28 Aug 0815-0915 Theatre 1 Keynote Lecture III
Chairs : Albert CY CHAN, Hong Kong, China
Hai-Bo WANG, Mainland China
Topic 1. Transplant economics Alvin ROTH USA
Topic 2. Organ transplantation reform in China: The synergy of Chinese cultural traditions and WHO guiding principle  Jie-Fu HUANG Mainland China