Monday, September 11, 2023

Talent wars in private equity: continued unraveling

 The WSJ has the latest:

Hectic Private-Equity Recruitment Process Leaves Firms Looking for Alternatives. July talent-grab leaves some firms frustrated with process for hiring entry-level workers. by Chris Cumming, Aug. 30, 2023

"Private-equity firms are recruiting workers with less and less Wall Street experience every year, hoping to beat out their competitors to hire the most impressive recent college graduates. 


"Over about 48 hours every year, hundreds of first-year investment bankers file through private-equity offices for a battery of interviews and tests, hoping to land an offer in one of the world’s most highly paid industries.


"This year’s recruitment process kicked off July 21—the earliest date ever—for positions starting in 2025. Firms hired candidates who have mostly just graduated from college and are beginning two-year bank-analyst programs, making offers that kick in after their programs end.

HT: Isaac Sorkin

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