Sunday, August 9, 2020

Experimental Economics SITE conference at Stanford, by Zoom, Aug 10 and 11, 2020

 Tomorrow and Tuesday, here's the SITE Experimental Economics conference schedule (Mon Aug. 10 and Tuesday Aug. 11).  

Muriel Introduce SITE confernece
SESSION 1: 9am - 10:30am pacific (12pm eastern, 6pm europe)Lise - in charge
1Overriding in Teams: The Role of Beliefs, Social Image, and GenderMaria Recalde, University of Melbourne(Lise Q)
2Information and the Persistence of the Gender Wage Gap: Early Evidence from California's Salary History BanBenjamin Hansen, University of Oregon(Lise Q)
3Attention as Human CapitalHeather Schofield, University of Pennsylvania(Colin Q)
10:30am - 11am pacific: Break/Discussion (1pm eastern, 7pm europe)
SESSION 2: 11 -12:30pm pacific (2pm eastern, 8pm europe)Muriel - in charge
4Social Learning in Groups: an Experimental StudyMarina Agranov, Caltech(Muriel Q)
5Beliefs in Repeated GamesGuillaume Frechette, NYU(Muriel Q)
6Beyond Ordinal: The Value of Indifferences and Cardinal Information in MatchingClayton Featherstone, University of Pennsylvania(Muriel Q)
12:30pm - 1pm pacific: Break/Discussion (3:30pm eastern, 9:30pm europe)
Day 2 (August 11)
SESSION 3: 9:30am -10:30pm pacific (12:30pm eastern, 6:30pm europe)Lise - in charge
7The Burden of Holding DebtAlejandro Martínez-Marquina, Stanford University
8Claiming Credit: Gender, Memory, and Social NormsJonas Mueller-Gastell, Stanford University
9It’s Not my Fault: Excuse-Seeking Behavior in the Intertemporal DomainMarissa Lepper, University of Pittsburgh
10Do Actions Speak Louder than Motives? Evaluating the Effectiveness of Image-FundraisingPun (pronounced like "Poon") Winichakul, University of Pittsburgh
10:30am - 11am pacific: Break/Discussion (1pm eastern, 7pm europe)
SESSION 4: 11 -12:30pm pacific (2pm eastern, 8pm europe)Muriel - in charge
11Fairness Across the World: Preferences and BeliefsAlexander W. Cappelen, Norwegian School of Economics(Christine Q)
12Cognitive Flexibility or Moral Commitment? Evidence of Anticipated Belief Distortion
Silvia Saccardo, Carnegie Mellon University(Christine Q)
13Digital AddictionHunt Allcott, New York University and Microsoft Research(Colin Q)
Muriel close SITE confernece
12:30pm - 1pm pacific: Break/Discussion (3:30pm eastern, 9:30pm europe)

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