Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Kim Krawiec interviews Frank McCormick on the kidney shortage (and how to end it)

Here is Kim Krawiec's latest podcast (click on this link to listen, not the picture below...:): 

Taboo Trades 

Taboo Trades
Bonus Episode: Ending the Kidney Shortage with Frank McCormick

Frank McCormick is an economist and the author of numerous articles focused on the shortage of kidneys for transplantation. He is retired from the Bank of America where he was Vice-president and Director of U.S. Economic and Financial Research. Today, we’re discussing his recent article, Projecting the Economic Impact of Compensating Living Kidney Donors in the United States: Cost-Benefit Analysis Demonstrates Substantial Patient and Societal Gains, co-authored with Philip J. Held, Glenn Chertow, Thomas G. Peters, and John P. Roberts. It is published in the journal, Value in Health and is available here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S109830152201957X/


In an email to his extensive mailing list, McCormick writes:

If you don’t have 45 minutes to spare, the key points I have to make are:

1. The death toll due to the shortage of transplant kidneys is much greater than is generally realized.  The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) misleads everyone by saying only 19 people a day die waiting for a transplant organ -- because it counts only patients who die while on the waiting lists (for kidneys alone that number is about 13 deaths per day).

But HRSA does not count:

A. Patients who are removed from the wait list because their health has become so poor they may not survive a transplant operation (or for other reasons) who soon die;

B. Patients who are never placed on the waiting list to begin with, but who could be saved from a premature death by transplantation if there were no kidney shortage.

Adding the latter two groups raises the death toll due to the kidney shortage to more than 110 deaths per day (40,000 per year).

 2. This appalling death toll due to the kidney shortage could be completely ended if the government compensates kidney donors about $77,000 per donor (with a wide range of uncertainty surrounding that estimate).  But even if the required compensation is two or three times this amount, it would be trivial compared to:

A. The value of a longer and healthier life to a kidney recipient (and their caregiver), which my co-authors and I estimate at about $1.5 million.

B. The savings (mainly to taxpayers) from the kidney recipient not needing expensive dialysis therapy, which we estimate at about $1.2 million per recipient.

In the long run, this program of government compensation of kidney donors would not cost taxpayers anything; rather it would save them about $7 billion per year.


1. McCormick F, Held PJ, Chertow GM.  The Terrible Toll of the Kidney Shortage.   J Am Soc Nephrol 2018;29:2775-2776. https://jasn.asnjournals.org/content/jnephrol/29/12/2775.full.pdf.

 2. McCormick F, Held PJ, Chertow GM, Peters TG, Roberts JP.  Perspectives: Projecting the Economic Impact of Compensating Living Kidney Donors in the United States: Cost-Benefit Analysis Demonstrates Substantial Patient and Societal Gains.  Value in Health, online 9 June 2022.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jval.2022.04.1732.

Monday, August 15, 2022

U. Chicago celebrates Michael Kremer

 Theory in practice--Nobel laureate Michael Kremer is building up development economics at UChicago.  By Lucas McGranahan, The University of Chicago Magazine — Summer/22

"In 1985 a new college graduate named Michael Kremer traveled to Kenya hoping to learn more about a topic he had studied at Harvard: economic development in low-income countries. He didn’t anticipate that an official in the village where he was staying would invite him to teach at a new school—but Kremer stayed in the country for a year to do just that. In fact, he cofounded an organization, WorldTeach, to send more teachers to Kenya and ultimately to several other developing countries.


"When he returned to Kenya in the early 1990s, Kremer was just starting his academic career as an economist at MIT. ... One friend, a Kenyan who was working for a small Dutch nongovernmental organization operating in Africa, was trying to identify schools in which to roll out a program intended to improve learning. Kremer offered a casual suggestion: select schools in a systematic way, then compare outcomes in those schools with outcomes in the same number of similar schools where the program was not operating.

"After returning home Kremer heard from his friend that the NGO was interested in trying out the approach. It was the start of a relationship that helped determine the trajectory of Kremer’s research in economics: he got involved not only with the Kenyan school study but with other experiments being done by the organization, today called ICS Africa, helping it develop evidence-backed programs.

"Kremer’s desire to help was evolving into a scientific methodology, one that would complement the most established approaches in his discipline.

“Randomized controlled trials had been used in medicine for a very long time,” he says, noting that some economists and other social scientists had also used them. And yet the technique had not broken through widely in economics, which largely either focused on theoretical models or relied on existing data. 


"Kremer was born in New York City to parents who were both children of Jewish immigrants from Europe. He came of age in the orbit of Kansas State University, where his father, Eugene Kremer, taught architecture, and his mother, Sara Lillian Kremer, was a professor of English. He credits his mother, who authored two books on literary representations of the Holocaust, with teaching him the necessity of addressing preventable suffering and injustice in the world—the key motivation behind his work, from founding WorldTeach to conducting research in Kenya and beyond.

"Kremer and his wife and collaborator Rachel Glennerster—a British development economist who joined the UChicago faculty as an associate professor in 2021—take this intention to heart in their research as well as in their personal philanthropy: they’re part of the Giving What We Can Pledge, a commitment to give 10 percent or more of their lifetime income to high-impact charities.


"In the early 2000s, Kremer and a colleague set out to study a group of 75 schools in Kenya. They found that a school-based program providing deworming pills to all students reduced absenteeism by more than 25 percent—a staggering result improving the health and well-being of the children directly affected, and likely of the entire local population and its economy over time. In their 2004 paper, the authors argue that the positive spillover effects easily justify providing free universal treatment to school-age children in high-risk areas.

"Officials took note. After the study, with the support of NGOs, the program was scaled nationwide by the Kenyan government. From there it was picked up by multiple Indian states—and then by the Indian national government. Today the world’s second most populous country holds National Deworming Day twice a year, administered through public schools.


"In his Nobel lecture Kremer shared his greatest hope for the work he does: “innovations in social institutions designed to accelerate scientific and technological change and orient it toward human needs.”

Sunday, August 14, 2022

More on UNOS in the hot seat and calls for reform of the U.S. deceased donor transplant system

 Here's another report about the recent Senate Finance Committee hearing about UNOS, which includes a redacted version of the U.S. Digital Service report calling for UNOS's functions to be broken up. (UNOS, the United Network for Organ Sharing, is the federal contractor that runs the U.S. deceased donor transplant system.)

Transplant System Urgently Needs Overhaul, Experts Say— UNOS CEO skewered for alleged failures in management during a Senate Finance Committee hearing by Shannon Firth, Washington Correspondent, MedPage Today

"Members of the Senate Finance Committee and fellow witnesses roasted the head of the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) during a hearing on Wednesday, over what Committee Chair Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) characterized as "gross mismanagement and incompetence."


"A report from the U.S. Digital Service issued last year determined that the network lacks the technical capacity to modernize the system. The report recommended that the contract for the system, worth $248 million, be separate from a contract for policy management, according to The Washington Post.

"Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), not one to mince words, told Brian Shepard, CEO of UNOS, "I'll just be clear. You should lose this contract. You should not be allowed anywhere near the organ transplant system in this country. And if you try to interfere with the process of turning the contract over to someone who can actually do the job, you should be held accountable for that."

HT: Frank McCormick


And here is a Senate memo issued just prior to the hearing:

“A System in Need of Repair: Addressing  Organizational Failures of the U.S.’s Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network”

"This bipartisan investigation began in February 2020 when then-Chairman Charles Grassley, then-Ranking Member Ron Wyden, Senator Todd Young, and Senator Benjamin Cardin sent a letter to UNOS expressing their concerns about the adequacy of patient safety standards and belief that OPOs are failing to recover thousands of viable organs each year. 16 The letter also highlighted an investigation by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General (HHS OIG) and news reports, shining a light on “lapses in patient safety, misuse of taxpayer dollars, and tens of thousands of organs going unrecovered or not transplanted,” leading to questions about the adequacy of UNOS’ oversight of OPOs.”17

"In 2021, the investigation continued under the leadership of now-Chairman Wyden and Ranking Member Grassley of the Senate Judiciary Committee with a series of bipartisan requests for information sent to HHS,18 CMS,19 HRSA, and the Office of Management and Budget. Staff also broadened the scope of the investigation to include concerns about the inadequacy of the OPTN information technology system and its impact on patients. 


Based on documents and internal memoranda, the Committee found that:

• The OPTN is failing to provide adequate oversight of the nation’s 57 OPOs, resulting in fewer organs available for transplant.

• The lack of oversight by UNOS causes avoidable failures in organ procurement and transplantation resulting in risks to patient safety. These failures include testing procedure errors, transportation issues resulting in life saving organs being lost or destroyed in transit, and process and procedure failures.

• UNOS lacks technical expertise to modernize the OPTN IT system, resulting in risk of system interruption or technical failure with the potential to harm patients across the country."


"While not the sole focus of the Committee’s investigation, Senator Grassley and Senator Wyden’s staff also heard concerns from patients, transplant center staff, and OPO staff that UNOS lacks technological expertise or the willingness to develop and maintain an adequate IT infrastructure. Staff also heard concerns that the archaic IT system results in delays in placing organs, organs being discarded, and inaccurate data being used to place organs because of its dependence on staff manually entering hundreds of donor and transplant candidate data points rather than upgrading to systems better able to transfer data across Electronic Medical Record platforms.

"These concerns were validated in a report from the independent U.S. Digital Service (USDS), which is housed within the Executive Office of the President and provides consultation services to federal agencies on information technology.115 The report, titled Lives Are at Stake, states that UNOS has been able to wiggle through and around most new contract requirements for the OPTN technology by hand-waving at change with technical jargon, while making no substantive progress. The USDS also states that:116

• UNOS is incapable of modernizing the OPTN IT infrastructure;

• the core systems are fragile;

• OPTN technology limits policy development;

• UNOS is resistant to change; and,

• OPTN system is dependent on a disjointed and inadequate user experience.

"Ultimately, USDS determined that these technological failings are in fact placing lives at stake and recommended that HHS take action to create a better organ transplant system and enable better patient outcomes, including updating NOTA to create flexibility in how the OPTN is serviced by contractors."


"Based on the investigation’s findings, Committee staff makes the following recommendations to improve the OPTN:

• Remove barriers to competition by removing the specific requirement for HHS to contract only with a “non-profit entity that has an expertise in organ procurement and transplantation;”

• Increase the pool of potential bidders by clarifying that the OPTN functions described in NOTA and subsequent amendments may be operated by more than one contractor, since few contractors will have adequate clinical knowledge and expertise in IT, policy development, and data collection and reporting, and policy compliance activities;

• Promote innovation in all OPTN functions (e.g., policy development, compliance and patient safety mentoring, IT infrastructure, coordinating transport of organs, etc.) as the best qualified entities with distinct skill sets could compete for contracts for these functions;

• Remove a major barrier for entry for bidders by providing authority for HHS to procure a government owned, contractor operated modern IT system to facilitate the OPTN functions;

• Increase security and innovation in the OPTN system by ensuring the new IT system is based on current technologies and operated and maintained by a contractor with adequate IT knowledge and experience;

• Ensure the continued viability of the OPTN by authorizing HHS to collect fees from transplant hospitals when adding a patient to the national organ transplant waitlist. This would replace a current fee structure authorized by regulation which is not flexible enough to provide funding for multiple contracts;

• Increase transparency and accountability for chain of custody and transportation of organs procured for transplant by providing for public reporting, as appropriate, on the status of organs in transport; and,

• Increase accountability for organs lost, damaged, or delayed in transport by requiring oversight and corrective action for such incidents.



Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Saturday, August 13, 2022

MATCH-UP 2022, August 24-26, 2022, TU Vienna, Vienna, Austria

 MATCH-UP 2022, August 24-26, 2022, TU Vienna, Vienna, Austria

registration for the workshop is only possible until August 16, 23:59 CET: https://www.eventbrite.at/e/match-up-2022-the-6th-workshop-on-preferences-under-matching-registration-368493533077

Here's the program:

24.08. Wednesday

14:15–14:30Opening remarks
14:30–14:55Estelle Cantillon, Li Chen and Juan PereyraRespecting priorities versus respecting preferences in school choice: When is there a trade-off?
14:55–15:20Lars EhlersStudent-Optimal Interdistrict School Choice: District-Based versus School-Based Admissions
15:20–15:45Bnaya Dreyfuss, Ofer Glicksohn, Ori Heffetz and Assaf RommIncorporating Reference-Dependence Considerations in Deferred Acceptance
15:45–16:15Coffee break
16:30–16:55Xuan Zhang and Yuri FaenzaAffinely representable lattices, stable matchings, and choice functions
16:55–17:20Kemal Yildiz and Ahmet AlkanModular stable matching mechanisms
17:20–17:45Peter Biro and Gergely CsájiStrong core and Pareto-optimal solutions for the multiple partners matching problem under lexicographic preferences
17:30–19:30Poster session

25.08. Thursday

9:00–9:25Niclas Boehmer, Klaus Heeger and Stanisław SzufaA Map of Diverse Synthetic Stable Roommates Instances
9:25–9:50Klaus Heeger and Ágnes CsehPopular matchings with weighted voters
9:50–10:15Inbal Rozenzweig, Reshef Meir and Nicholas MatteiMitigating Skewed Bidding for Conference Paper Matching
10:15–10:40Sai Srivatsa Ravindranath, Zhe Feng, Shira Li, Jonathan Ma, Scott Kominers and David ParkesDeep Learning for Two-Sided Matching
10:40–11:10Coffee break
11:10–11:35Yannai Gonczarowski, Ori Heffetz and Clayton ThomasSelf-Explanatory Strategyproof Mechanisms
11:35–12:00Assaf Romm, Alvin Roth and Ran ShorrerStability vs. No Justified Envy
12:00–12:25Rupert Freeman, Geoffrey Pritchard and Mark WilsonOrder Symmetry: A New Fairness Criterion for Assignment Mechanisms
12:25–14:00Lunch break
14:00–15:00Keynote: Vijay Vazirani
Note: Different from the other talks, will be held in Hörsaal 1 (lecture hall 1).
Online Bipartite Matching and Adwords
15:00–15:25Danny Blom, Bart Smeulders and Frits SpieksmaRejection-proof Kidney Exchange Mechanisms
15:25–15:50Peter Biro, Flip Klijn, Xenia Klimentova and Ana VianaShapley-Scarf Housing Markets: Respecting Improvement, Integer Programming, and Kidney Exchange
15:50–16:30Coffee break
16:15–16:40Josue Ortega and Thilo KleinImproving Efficiency and Equality in School Choice
16:40–17:05Ran Shorrer and Sandor SovagoDominated Choices in a Strategically Simple College
17:05–17:30Daniel Kornbluth and Alexey KushnirUndergraduate Course Allocation through Pseudo-Markets
17:30–18:00Group photo in front of the main university building (Karslplatz)
18:30–22:00Bus ride to and dinner at Heuriger

26.08. Friday

9:00–10:00Keynote: Sophie Bade
Held in Hörsaal 8 (lecture hall 8).
10:00–10:25Nick Arnosti, Carlos Bonet and Jay SethuramanA Systematic Approach to Selection Problems
10:25–10:50Di Feng, Bettina Klaus and Flip KlijnA Characterization of the Coordinate-Wise Top-Trading-Cycles Mechanism for Multiple-Type Housing Markets
10:50–11:20Coffee break
11:20–11:45Haris Aziz and Zhaohong SunMulti-Rank Smart Reserves
12:45–12:10Jean-Jacques Herings and Yu ZhouEquilibria in Matching Markets with Soft and Hard Liquidity Constraints
12:10–13:45Lunch break
13:45–14:10Karolina VockeAnonymity and stability in large many-to-many markets
14:10–14:35Kristóf Bérczi, Erika Renáta Bérczi-Kovács and Evelin SzögiA dual approach for dynamic pricing in multi-demand markets
14:35–15:00Georgy Artemov, Yeon-Koo Che and Yinghua HeStable Matching with Mistaken Agents
15:00–15:25Federico Bobbio, Margarida Carvalho, Andrea Lodi, Ignacio Rios and Alfredo TorricoCapacity Planning in Stable Matching: An Application to School Choice
15:25–16:00Coffee break
16:00–16:25Haris Aziz, Anton Baychkov and Peter BiroCutoff stability under distributional constraints with an application to summer internship matching
16:25–16:50Kenzo Imamura and Yasushi KawaseEfficient matching under general constraints
16:50–17:15Zheng Chen, Bo Li, Mingming Li and Guochuan ZhangFair Graphical Resource Allocation with Matching-Induced Utilities
17:15–17:40Bo Li, Fangxiao Wang and Yu ZhouMaximin Share Fair Allocation of Indivisible Chores: Beyond Additive Valuations
17:40Closing remarks

Friday, August 12, 2022

Are sociology and economics coming closer together? Philippe Steiner in Acta Oeconomica

 Professor Philippe Steiner, of the Groupe d’Etudes des Méthodes de l’Analyse Sociologique de la Sorbonne, thinks that these days sociology and economics may be coming closer to each other than they have for some time.

New economic sociology and economic theory by Philippe Steiner, Acta Oeconomica 72 (2022) S1, 23–40  DOI: 10.1556/032.2022.00017

"Abstract: The paper begins with a brief reminder of the origin of economic sociology. It then surveys research by economic sociologists from the 1980s to the present, with a focus on their relation to political economy, which ranges from close to arm's length. Finally, beyond any differences between economic theory and economic sociology, the paper considers how both approaches can be connected in the socio-historical and economic study of economic inequalities by Thomas Piketty, and the use of matching markets by Alvin Roth."


"In the final part the paper seeks to show that economists have developed approaches that permit a fruitful combination of sociology and political economy, even using some of the more technical aspects of modern economics.


"After the 1930s economic sociology lost its appeal for economists, as well as sociologists, and gave way to the “Parsonian peace” according to which economists deal with value, while sociologists deal with values (Stark 2009: 7).


"There was a revival of economic sociology during the 1970s on both sides of the Atlantic. In the United States, this began with Mark Granovetter’s work on the labor market (Granovetter 1974), and then with a new interpretation of the social embeddedness of the market (Granovetter 1985). This was something that Polanyi had stressed in his book, noting the catastrophic consequences that follow the management of humanity, nature and politics as if they were market goods (labor, land and money) regulated by “supply and demand” in their respective markets. In the same period, Viviana Zelizer (1979, 1985) brought the sociology of culture closer to the sociology of economic life. In Europe, Pierre Bourdieu proposed a new interpretation of the market for cultural goods (or symbolic goods), to explain the functioning of the art market (Bourdieu 1971).

"As regards the relation to economic theory, the new economic sociology unfolds along four axes: (i) Granovetter established a close and direct relationship between economic sociology and the neo-classical theory of job search, together with the theory of transaction costs; (ii) Zelizer distanced herself completely from economic theory, although her sociology of economic life deals with central economic phenomena such as insurance, money, and law; (iii) Neil Fligstein developed an economic sociology close to institutionalist political economy, focusing on key institutions of the market, notably those regulating competition; finally, (iv) Bourdieu employed an original conceptualization of fields in order to explain the functioning of the markets of symbolic goods (fashion, painting, literature), while at the same time developing a methodological criticism of economic theory.


"In the case of the creation of the life insurance market in the United States, Zelizer started from the following paradox: while changes in social structure – fewer landowners, less mutual aid between neighbors – made it increasingly rational to insure one’s life to avoid leaving one’s wife and children destitute in the event of premature death, the life insurance market remained sluggish during the 19th century compared to what it was in Great Britain and in France. How do we explain this apparent lack of self-interested behavior in American male breadwinners? Zelizer’s answer employed several cultural arguments, including one based on the relationship to religion. During this period there was a widespread idea that to insure oneself against premature death was to oppose the will of God, even to not trust his wisdom. This was the reason for the reluctance to accept this new market product, the life insurance contract. A strength of her argument is also that she is careful not to oppose social behavior and self-interested economic behavior head-on. In fact, two phenomena directly linked to religion intervene to modify this cultural relationship to life insurance. First, she points to the fact that the religious sects that sent pastors to frontier regions took out life insurance on them so that the sect would not have to take care of their families if they died – a financial interest played its part in religious institutions. Second, she notes a reversal in the religious discourse on life insurance. In the beginning of the 20th century not only preachers, but also the rhetoric of insurance salesmen emphasized that the good father is he who takes precautions against premature death, hence this good father must be insured. Both culture and the economy began to structure behaviors that promoted a developing insurance market.


"While economists continued to employ the hypothesis of rationality, this is no longer central to the discourse of economic sociologists; the idea that economists are remote from the historical and social dimension has also lost its intensity. Instead, other criticisms have emerged, especially associated with the idea of performativity. At present there is neither conflict, or mutual indifference. Indeed, in several fields there are signs of an explicit or implicit rapprochement. I would like to mention two in particular.

"First of all, given the capacity of modern computers to process large databases, economists can deploy econometric tools in ways that accurately account for historical and social facts, as Thomas Piketty (1998, 2013, 2019) does. Second, by pursuing the strategy of economic engineering proposed by Alvin Roth (2002), economists take up the practical work of constructing institutions of exchange, exemplified by design economics and matching markets economists, developing what sociological economists have called the economic performation of the economy by economics (Callon 1998; MacKenzie et al. 2007)"



Thursday, January 6, 2022

Thursday, August 11, 2022

MEDIEVAL MATCHING MARKETS by Lars Boerner and Daniel Quint

 As I'll explain below, here's a long-awaited paper that fully qualifies for that description:

MEDIEVAL MATCHING MARKETS by Lars Boerner and Daniel Quint, International Economic Review, First published: 15 July 2022 https://doi.org/10.1111/iere.12600

Abstract: We study the regulation of brokerage in wholesale markets in premodern Central Western Europe. Examining 1,804 sets of rules from 82 cities, we find brokerage was primarily a centralized matchmaking mechanism. Brokerage was more common in towns with larger populations, better access to sea ports and trade routes, and greater political autonomy. Brokers' fee structures varied systematically: price-based fees were more common for highly heterogeneous goods, quantity-based fees for more homogeneous goods. We show theoretically that this was broadly consistent with total surplus maximization, and that brokerage was more valuable in markets with unequal numbers of buyers and sellers.


"We investigate how societies organized markets and whether their market policies were well designed to have a positive effect on welfare. We look at one important type of regulated allocation process, the organization of intermediation in the form of brokerage, primarily in wholesale markets. Regulated intermediation first appeared in European towns during the second half of the 13th century. Early regulations can particularly be found in Italy and the Lower Countries (van Houtte, 1936; Rezzara, 1903). However, a comprehensive quantitative study on the origin, spread and development of the brokerage institution is missing so far. Origins of brokerage have been linked to the urbanization process of the 13th century (van Houtte, 1936); whether it can be related to preceding medieval Arabic merchant institutions or Roman law is an open debate (van Houtte, 1936; Lieber, 1968).

"We study 231 cities in Central and Western Europe, roughly in the area of the Holy Roman Empire north of the Alps, during the period from 1200 to 1700. This area and period are particularly appealing for empirical investigation because local municipalities were typically economically and politically autonomous. Thus, each city could implement its own types of regulations and allocation mechanisms, leading to potentially rich variation in detail.

"We identify cities with (and without) brokerage regulations and find in cities with regulations a dominant brokerage design with specific combinations of rules. The dominant design was a sort of centralized matchmaking mechanism: a few licensed brokers specializing in a particular product were given the exclusive right to offer a service pairing mainly foreign merchants with local buyers, and their behavior was strictly regulated. Brokers were not allowed to do any business on their own behalf and were restricted in what information they could disclose. The brokerage service was open to everybody, to the rich and poor, and to foreign and local merchants. Brokers received a predefined fee based on the transactions they generated—most commonly either a fixed fee per unit traded or a fixed fraction of the sales price."


I normally don't blog about papers twice, i.e. if I've blogged about the working paper I don't blog again about the published paper.  But this one has changed since I first blogged about it, and it implicitly tells us something about the current (but still medieval) publication system in Economics, since that was more than a decade ago. Here's the earlier (2011) blog.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Pharmacy Benefit Managers--Alex Chan on NPR's Planet Money podcast

 Alex Chan is interviewed on the role of pharmacy benefit managers, their role in drug pricing, and some problems with the market design.