Monday, January 4, 2016

Matching and market design at the ASSA meetings

Here are some matching and market design sessions that caught my eye on today's program

Jan 04, 2016 8:00 am, Hilton Union Square, Union Square 20 
Econometric Society
Advances in Matching Theory (A1)
PresidingALESSANDRO PAVAN (Northwestern University)
Matching Design with Vertically- and Horizontally-Differentiated Preferences
ALESSANDRO PAVAN (Northwestern University)
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Full Substitutability in Trading Networks
SCOTT DUKE KOMINERS (Harvard University)
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Matching with Externalities
MAREK PYCIA (University of California-Los Angeles)
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A Note on Stability in One-to-One, Multi-Period Matching Markets
MACIEJ KOTOWSKI (Harvard University)
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Stability Concepts in Matching Under Distributional Constraints
FUHITO KOJIMA (Stanford University)
[View Abstract]

Jan 04, 2016 10:15 am, Hilton Union Square, Union Square 3 & 4 
Korea-America Economic Association

Market Design Approach to School Choice (C7, D4)
PresidingJINWOO KIM (Seoul National University)
Integrating Schools for Centralized Admissions
BUMIN YENMEZ (Carnegie Mellon University)
MEHMET EKMEKCI (Boston College)
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Promoting School Competition Through School Choice: A Market Design Approach
JOHN WILLIAM HATFIELD (McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin)
FUHITO KOJIMA (Stanford University)
YUSUKE NARITA (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
[View Abstract]
Minimal Envy Efficient Assignment Mechanisms: The Design of New Orleans OneApp
YEON-KOO CHE (Columbia University)
PARAG A. PATHAK (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
ALVIN E. ROTH (Stanford University)
OLIVIER TERCIEUX (Paris School of Economics)
[View Abstract]
A Robust Redesign of High School Match
SAM ILMYOUNG HWANG (University of British Columbia)
[View Abstract]
YOUNGWOO KOH (Hanyang University)
JINWOO KIM (Seoul National University)
YINGHUA HE (Toulouse School of Economics)
SOOHYUNG LEE (University of Maryland)

Jan 05, 2016 8:00 am, Hilton Union Square, Franciscan D 
American Economic Association

Market Design for Student Placement: Econometrics and Empirical Evidence (I2, D4)
PresidingBERNARD SALANIE (Columbia University)
Demand Analysis Using Strategic Reports: An Application to a School Choice Mechanism
NIKHIL AGARWAL (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
PAULO SOMAINI (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
[View Abstract]
Structural Estimation of a Model of School Choices: The Boston Mechanism Versus Its Alternatives
CATERINA CALSAMIGLIA (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)
CHAO FU (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
MAIA GÜELL (University of Edinburgh, London School of Economics, CEPR, FEDEA, and IZA)
[View Abstract]
College Choice Allocation Mechanisms: Structural Estimates and Counterfactuals
CARVALHO JOSE RAIMUNDO (Universidade Federal do Ceará)
THIERRY MAGNAC (Toulouse School of Economics)
QIZHOU XIONG (Toulouse School of Economics)
[View Abstract]
Beyond Truth-Telling: Preference Estimation with Centralized School Choice
GABRIELLE FACK (Université Paris 1 and Paris School of Economics)
JULIEN GRENET (Paris School of Economics)
YINGHUA HE (Toulouse School of Economics)
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CHRISTOPHER A. NEILSON (Princeton University)
JEREMY FOX (University of Michigan)
ALFRED GALICHON (Sciences Po Paris)
BERNARD SALANIE (Columbia University)

Jan 05, 2016 8:00 am, Hilton Union Square, Union Square 16 
Econometric Society

Topics in Industrial Organization (A1)
PresidingJOHN LAZAREV (New York University)
Estimating Consumer Substitution Patterns and Welfare Loss Under Retail Stockouts
JUNICHI SUZUKI (University of Toronto)
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Research Proximity and Productivity: Long-Term Evidence From Agriculture
ALEXANDER WHALLEY (University of California-Merced)
SHAWN KANTOR (Florida State University)
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Input Allocation and Downstream Market Structure: The Unintended Consequences of Congestion Management in the Airline Industry
JOHN LAZAREV (New York University)
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Experiments as a Bridge from Market Design Theory to Market Design Practice: Changing the Course Allocation Mechanism at Wharton
ERIC BUDISH (University of Chicago)
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Measuring the Bias of Technological Change
ULRICH DORASZELSKI (University of Pennsylvania)
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Sunday, January 3, 2016

Some experimental sessions at the ASSA meetings...

Jan 03, 2016 10:15 am, Hilton Union Square, Continental – Parlor 1 
American Economic Association
Tax Experiments (H2, C9)
PresidingERZO F.P. LUTTMER (Dartmouth College)
Shaming Tax Delinquents
RICARDO PEREZ-TRUGLIA (Microsoft Research)
UGO TROIANO (University of Michigan)
[View Abstract] [Download Preview]
Demand for Redistribution in Large and Small Groups
JOHANNA MOLLERSTROM (George Mason University)
DMITRY TAUBINSKY (Harvard University)
[View Abstract]
Heuristic Perceptions of the Income Tax: Evidence and Implications
ALEXANDER ROBERT REES-JONES (University of Pennsylvania)
DMITRY TAUBINSKY (Harvard University)
[View Abstract]
Raising the Stakes: Experimental Evidence on the Endogeneity of Taxpayer Mistakes
TATIANA HOMONOFF (Cornell University)
JACOB GOLDIN (Princeton University)
NAOMI FELDMAN (Federal Reserve Board)
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STEFANIE STANTCHEVA (Harvard University)
DAVID SEIM (University of Toronto)
JUDD KESSLER (University of Pennsylvania)
UGO TROIANO (University of Michigan)

Jan 03, 2016 10:15 am, Marriott Marquis, Sierra B 
Economic Science Association
Economics Experiments on Networks (C9, D3)
PresidingGARY CHARNESS (University of California-Santa Barbara)
Trading in Networks
SYNGJOO CHOI (University College London)
ANDREA GALEOTTI (University of Essex)
SANJEEV GOYAL (University of Cambridge)
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Communication and (Non)-Equilibrium Selection
GARY CHARNESS (University of California-Santa Barbara)
FRANCESCO FERI (University of London-Royal Holloway)
MIGUEL MELENDEZ (University of Malaga)
MATTHIAS SUTTER (University of Innsbruck)
[View Abstract]
Strategic Communication and Learning in Networks
ABHIJIT BANERJEE (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
EMILY BREZA (Columbia University)
ARUN CHANDRASEKHAR (Stanford University)
ESTHER DUFLO (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
MATTHEW O. JACKSON (Stanford University)
[View Abstract]
Competition for Status Creates Superstars: An Experiment on Public Good Provision and Network Formation
THEO OFFERMAN (University of Amsterdam)
ARTHUR SCHRAM (University of Amsterdam)
BORIS VAN LEEUWEN (Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse )
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Jan 03, 2016 2:30 pm, Hilton Union Square, Yosemite B 
American Economic Association
Evidence from Lab and Field Experiments on Discrimination (J7, J2)
PresidingPATRICK BUTTON (Tulane University and NBER)
Is it Harder for Older Workers to Find Jobs? New and Improved Evidence from a Field Experiment
DAVID NEUMARK (University of California-Irvine, NBER, and IZA)
IAN BURN (University of California-Irvine)
PATRICK BUTTON (Tulane University and NBER)
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Discrimination at the Intersection of Age, Race, and Gender: Evidence from a Lab-in-the-Field Experiment
JOANNA LAHEY (Texas A&M University and NBER)
DOUGLAS OXLEY (University of Wyoming)
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Do Employers Consider Unemployment Duration, Low-Quality Interim Employment, and Age in Hiring? Evidence from an Audit Study
HENRY FARBER (Princeton University)
DANIEL SILVERMAN (Arizona State University)
TILL VON WACHTER (University of California-Los Angeles)
[View Abstract]
Exploring Both the Supply and Demand Sides of Discrimination
JOHN LIST (University of Chicago)
ANTHONY HEYES (University of Ottawa)
[View Abstract]
MATHEW J. NOTOWIDIGDO (Northwestern University and NBER)
CHRISTIAN MANGER (University of Tuebingen)
CATHERINE ECKEL (Texas A&M University)

Jan 03, 2016 2:30 pm, Hilton Union Square, Union Square 16 
Econometric Society
Bureaucrats and Politicians: Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Studies (A1)
PresidingJOHANNA RICKNE (Research Institute for Industrial Economics)
Who Becomes a Politician?
OLLE FOLKE (Columbia University)
JOHANNA RICKNE (Research Institute for Industrial Economics)
ERNESTO DAL BO (University of California, Berkeley)
FREDERICO FINAN (University of California, Berkeley)
TORSTEN PERSSON (Stockholm University)
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The Determinants and Consequences of Bureaucratic Effectiveness: Evidence from the Indian Administrative Service
MARIANNE BERTRAND (University of Chicago)
ROBIN BURGESS (London School of Economics)
ARUNISH CHAWLA (Department of Economics)
GUO XU (London School of Economics)
Personalities and Public Sector Performance: Evidence from a Health Experiment in Pakistan
MICHAEL CALLEN (Harvard University)
SAAD GULZAR (New York University)
ALI HASANAIN (Lahore University of Management Sciences)
YASIR KHAN (International Growth Center)
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Efficiency Wages in the Public Sector? Evidence from a Natural Experiment
NAVA ASHRAF (Harvard Business School)

Jan 04, 2016

Jan 04, 2016 8:00 am, Hilton Union Square, Continental Ballroom 4 
American Economic Association
Gender at Work: Evidence from Experimental Economics (C9, J7)
PresidingCATHERINE ECKEL (Texas A&M University)
Knowing When to Ask: The Cost of Leaning In
CHRISTINE EXLEY (Stanford University)
MURIEL NIEDERLE (Stanford University)
LISE VESTERLUND (University of Pittsburgh)
[View Abstract]
A University-Wide Field Experiment on Gender Differences in Job Entry Decisions
ANYA SAMEK (University of Southern California)
[View Abstract]
Born to Lead? Gender Differences in Incentive Provision and Its Evaluation
ALEXANDRA VAN GEEN (Erasmus University)
OLGA SHURCHKOV (Wellesley College)
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Gender Differences in Negotiation by Communication Method
ADAM GREENBERG (University of California-San Diego)
RAGAN PETRIE (George Mason University)
[View Abstract]
Stress and the gender difference in willingness to compete
THOMAS BUSER (University of Amsterdam)
ANNA DREBER ALMENBERG (Stockholm School of Economics)
JOHANNA MOLLERSTROM (George Mason University)
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CHRISTINE EXLEY (Stanford University)
ANAT BRACHA (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston)
KATHERINE COFFMAN (Ohio State University)
ALEXANDRA VAN GEEN (Erasmus University)

Jan 04, 2016 8:00 am, Marriott Marquis, Sierra B 
Economic Science Association
Experiments on Bargaining: The Role of Risk, Deadlines and Reference Points (C7, C9)
PresidingKYLE HYNDMAN (Naveen Jindal School of Management and University of Texas-Dallas)
Is Earned Bargaining Power More Fully Exploited?
NICHOLAS FELTOVICH (Monash University)
[View Abstract]
Bargaining Under Time Pressure
EMIN KARAGÖZOĞLU (Bilkent University)
MARTIN GEORG KOCHER (University of Munich)
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Dynamic Unstructured Bargaining with Private Information and Deadlines: Theory and Experiment
COLIN F. CAMERER (California Institute of Technology)
GIDEON NAVE (California Institute of Technology)
ALEC SMITH (University of Arizona and Compass Lexecon)
[View Abstract]
Reference Points, Reputation and Strategies in a Dynamic Bargaining Environment with a Residual Claimant
MATTHEW EMBREY (University of Sussex)
KYLE HYNDMAN (University of Texas-Dallas)
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ALISTAIR WILSON (University of Pittsburgh)
MATTHEW EMBREY (University of Sussex)
CHLOE TERGIMAN (Pennsylvania State University)
TIMOTHY SALMON (Southern Methodist University)

Jan 04, 2016 10:15 am, Hilton Union Square, Franciscan C 
American Economic Association
Reproducibility of Social Science Experiments: Some Innovative Evidence(C9, C8)
PresidingCOLIN F. CAMERER (California Institute of Technology)
Do Economics Lab Experiments in AER and QJE Replicate Predictably?
ESKIL FORSELL (Stockholm School of Economics)
TECK HO (University of California-Berkeley)
JUERGEN HUBER (University of Innsbruck)
MICHAEL KIRCHLER (University of Innsbruck)
ANNA DREBER ALMENBERG (Stockholm School of Economics)
[View Abstract]
P-Curve Analysis Shows False Positives are Not Common in Experimental Economics
KLAVDIA ZEMLIANOVA (National University of Singapore)
COLIN F. CAMERER (California Institute of Technology)
[View Abstract]
Using Prediction Markets to Estimate the Reproducibility in Science: The Many Labs 2 Replications
ESKIL FORSELL (Stockholm School of Economics)
THOMAS PFEIFFER (NZ Institute Advanced Study)
YILING CHEN (Harvard University)
ANNA DREBER ALMENBERG (Stockholm School of Economics)
MAGNUS JOHANNESSON (Stockholm School of Economics)
[View Abstract]


Jan 04, 2016 2:30 pm, Hilton Union Square, Franciscan C 
American Economic Association
Experimental Gender Economics (C9, D8)
PresidingMURIEL NIEDERLE (Stanford University)
Affirmative Action and Stereotype Threat
ANAT BRACHA (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston)
ALMA COHEN (Harvard University)
LYNN CONELL-PRICE (Carnegie Mellon University)
[View Abstract]
Risk in the Background: How Men and Women Respond
ALEXANDRA VAN GEEN (Erasmus University)
[View Abstract]
After You: Gender and Group Decision-Making
PEDRO BORDALO (Royal Holloway)
KATHERINE COFFMAN (Ohio State University)
NICOLA GENNAIOLI (Bocconi University)
ANDREI SHLEIFER (Harvard University)
[View Abstract]
Bursting the Bubble: Gender Differences in Financial Bubbles with Anonymous Traders
CATHERINE ECKEL (Texas A&M University)
SASCHA FÜLLBRUNN (Radboud University)
[View Abstract]
JOHANNA MOLLERSTROM (George Mason University)
MARIA RECALDE (International Food Policy Research Institute)
ANYA SAMEK (University of Southern Califiornia)
OLGA SHURCHKOV (Wellesley College)

Jan 04, 2016 2:30 pm, Hilton Union Square, Union Square 22 
American Economic Association
Experimental Impacts of Vocational Education in Low and Middle Income Countries (J1, O1)
PresidingADRIANA DEBORA KUGLER (Georgetown University)
The Demand for, and Impact of, Youth Internships: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in Yemen
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Long-Term Direct and Spillover Effects of Job Training: Experimental Evidence from Colombia
ADRIANA DEBORA KUGLER (Georgetown University, NBER, CEPR, and IZA)
JUAN SAAVEDRA (University of Southern California)
LUIS OMAR HERRERA (Inter-American Development Bank)
[View Abstract]
Vocational Education Voucher Delivery and Labor Market Returns: A Randomized Evaluation Among Kenyan Youth
JOAN HAMMORY HICKS (Center for Effective Global Action)
MICHAEL KREMER (Harvard University)
ISAAC MBITI (University of Virginia)
EDWARD MIGUEL (University of California-Berkeley)
[View Abstract]
Returns to Vocational Education in Mongolia
ERICA FIELD (Duke University)
LEIGH LINDEN (University of Texas-Austin)
DANIEL RUBENSON (Ryerson University)
SHING-YI WANG (University of Pennsylvania)
[View Abstract]
OFER MALAMUD (University of Chicago)
ERICA FIELD (Duke University)
REBECCA THORNTON (University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign)

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Friday, January 1, 2016

Stanford faculty on Stanford football (while waiting for the Rose Bowl)

Someone at Stanford thought it would be funny to make very short videos of Stanford faculty members saying something non-traditional about football, in the run-up to the Rose Bowl. (I think Hank Greely No 2, who also talks about market design of sorts, is the winner, but maybe I'm the runner-up:)  

Persis Drell on Stanford Football - YouTube
12 hours ago - Uploaded by Stanford
Ahead of the 102nd Rose Bowl Game, Persis Drell, dean of theStanford School of Engineering, explains the ...

Hank Greely on Stanford Football - YouTube
12 hours ago - Uploaded by Stanford
In preparation for the 102nd Rose Bowl Game, Hank Greely, the Deane F. and Kate Edelman Johnson Professor ...

Alex Nemerov on Stanford Football - YouTube
12 hours ago - Uploaded by Stanford
Whether in a museum or a football stadium, the potential for great beauty exists. In advance of the 102nd Rose ...

Hank Greely on Stanford Football, No. 2 - YouTube
12 hours ago - Uploaded by Stanford
What concerns does a bioethicist bring to the 102nd Rose Bowl Game? Hank Greely, the Deane F. and Kate ...

Al Roth on Stanford Football - YouTube
12 hours ago - Uploaded by Stanford
Ahead of the 102nd Rose Bowl Game, Alvin Roth, the Craig and Susan McCaw Professor of Economics, shares ...