Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Organ trafficking in America, on National Geographic TV, premiering tomorrow

National Geographic TV tweets about a new series on organ trafficking, premiering tomorrow night, with a video trailer that suggests that they think there is substantial organ trafficking to U.S. patients.

@MarianaVZ  uncovers the hidden world of organ trafficking in an all-new #TraffickedWithMarianavanZeller. Don't miss the season premiere, this Wednesday at 9/8c on National Geographic.

I'm a bit skeptical about the scope of organ trafficking to U.S. patients, because as far as I can tell there isn't a lot of evidence of Americans with mysterious transplants showing up for post-transplant care at American transplant centers. But I haven't seen the show. (Not being a subscriber I doubt that I will, but I imagine I'll hear from some of you who do.)

HT: Alex Chan

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