There is some debate in the business literature about what effect taking a public position on controversial social and political issues has on consumer-facing businesses. Here's a suggestion that there may be reaction not just affecting sales of Teslas and the company's stock price, but to privately owned Teslas. (I used to live in Brookline, MA, and am still on some town email lists there, and this came in a mass email.)
"To all my Brookline neighbors who own Teslas,
"There is a person, or group of people, who have been going around Brookline defacing Teslas. The sticker in the attached picture was stuck to my car this afternoon. It’s large and I can’t get it off (if anyone knows how to do this without damaging the car, please let me know.) The Brookline Police told me that they have received many reports of this. If you have a Tesla, please turn on Sentry Mode (now!) so if something like this happens to you, there will be video evidence. I had previously set my car to disable this feature when at home, as it prevents the car from sleeping, and uses a lot of energy. I will now have it enabled 24/7. If your car has been vandalized, please report it to the police so there is a record of the crime."
I'm reminded of reports at one time that animal rights activists/terrorists sometimes attacked people wearing fur coats by spraying the coats with paint. (See e.g. the retrospective story Cutting cruelty out of fashion.)