Here's a celebration of Philipp Strack, the Yale economist who won the 2024 Clark Medal of the American Economic Association.
Philipp Strack, 2024 Clark Medalist by Drew Fudenberg, Journal of Economic Perspectives, vol. 39, no. 1, Winter 2025, (pp. 225–46)
Here are the first and last paragraphs:
"Philipp Strack is creative, insightful, and skillful, which has allowed him to make major contributions to many areas of microeconomic theory, including behavioral economics, information acquisition and learning, and mechanism design. Some of these papers provide a new understanding of important economics phenomena, others introduce results and techniques that will be used for years to come, and some of the papers do both. Together they have helped spark what his Clark Medal citation called a “new wave of information economics.”
"Philipp is one of the most cheerful and friendly people I know. I have greatly enjoyed working with and learning from him. He is also extraordinarily productive: as of June 2024, he had published 37 papers in the eleven years since the completion of his dissertation, with several others forthcoming. Of this output, my review has only covered some of the highlights. In addition to the work discussed here, Philipp has made contributions to the study of market design (in [11], with Jacob Leshno and [23], with Afshin Nikzad), on contests (in [15], with Dawei Fang and Thomas Noe and [1], with Christian Seel), on present bias (in [10], with Paul Heidhues), and on epidemics (in [12], with Thomas Kruse). Some of Philipp’s papers provide a new understanding of important economics phenomena, others introduce results and techniques that will be used for years to come, and many do both. All of his work is clear and insightful, and its influence seems sure to expand. "