Friday, October 21, 2022

The past and future of the transition from medical school to residency, in the Journal of Graduate Medical Education, by Williamson, Soane, and Carmody

 The October issue of the Journal of Graduate Medical Education considers the past and future of the transition to residency.

The US Residency Match at 70: What Was, What Is, and What Could Be  by Edwin Williamson, MD; Caroline Soane, BA; J. Bryan Carmody, MD, MPH, J Grad Med Educ (2022) 14 (5): 519–521.,

"But while early offers are long gone, the residency selection process now faces a new set of challenges related to the increasing number of applications submitted by contemporary applicants. In 2020 the average US medical school graduate submitted 70 residency applications.9  The average for some specialties is even higher. For instance, in 2022, the average osteopathic medical school applicant in obstetrics and gynecology submitted 85 applications, while US MD applicants in orthopedic surgery submitted 96 applications, and international medical graduates submitted 100 applications each to internal medicine programs.10  This overapplication increases costs for applicants and programs, leads to reliance on convenient screening metrics in applicant evaluation, and does not ultimately improve Match rates.9 "

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