Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Sorority rush: the paper and the podcast

 Years ago, my late student Sue Mongell and I wrote a paper about sorority rush:

Mongell, Susan, and Alvin E. Roth. "Sorority rush as a two-sided matching mechanism." The American Economic Review (1991): 441-464.
Just over 20 years later, you can listen to a short NPR broadcast about it on Planet Money (which leaves out a few of the details;-)

The economics behind sorority rush
October 5, 2022 by WAILIN WONG and ADRIAN MA
8-Minute Listen

"how do new recruits land at their sorority houses?

"The answer lies in a classic economic concept used in contexts ranging from organ donation to New York public high schools. Today, we're exploring matching markets"

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