Saturday, March 15, 2025

Danny Kahneman's final decision

Danny Kahneman spent his life thinking about how humans make decisions.  His final decision was to travel to Switzerland to avail himself of the medical aid in dying laws there. (A number of American states permit medical aid in dying, but only for those who have been diagnosed as very near death.)  Danny chose to depart on his own schedule.

 The WSJ has the story:

The Last Decision by the World’s Leading Thinker on Decisions
Shortly before Daniel Kahneman died last March, he emailed friends a message: He was choosing to end his own life in Switzerland. Some are still struggling with his choice
.  By Jason Zweig, March 14, 2025 

"In mid-March 2024, Daniel Kahneman flew from New York to Paris with his partner, Barbara Tversky, to unite with his daughter and her family. They spent days walking around the city, going to museums and the ballet, and savoring soufflés and chocolate mousse. Around March 22, Kahneman, who had turned 90 that month, also started emailing a personal message to several dozen of the people he was closest to.

“On March 26, Kahneman left his family and flew to Switzerland. His email explained why:

“This is a goodbye letter I am sending friends to tell them that I am on my way to Switzerland, where my life will end on March 27.”


I wasn't among the recipients of Danny's email, but I am not surprised.  Here is my blog post from a year ago, noting his passing:

Wednesday, March 27, 2024 Danny Kahneman (1934-2024)

"His death was confirmed by his stepdaughter Deborah Treisman, the fiction editor for the New Yorker. She did not say where or how he died."

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