Friday, September 13, 2024

Guns for everyone, from 3-D printers

 Unregulated guns made on 3-D printers are now becoming more available.  

The NYT has the story:

He’s Known as ‘Ivan the Troll.’ His 3D-Printed Guns Have Gone Viral.  From his Illinois home, he champions guns for all. By Lizzie Dearden and Thomas Gibbons-Neff

"Most of the mass-produced weapons of the 20th century, even those now marketed for personal defense, were originally designed for militaries and hunters. The FGC-9, by contrast, was created with the explicit goal of arming as many everyday people as possible.

"FGC is an abbreviation that represents what its creators think of gun control. Nine is for the 9-millimeter bullet it fires.

"The use of the FGC-9 by insurgents opposed to the military junta in Myanmar is part of its creators’ stated plan, a realization of the hope that guns could be used to stand up to the state.


"Mr. Duygu’s design was published in March 2020 with the stated goal of circumventing gun laws. Homemade firearms have been around for centuries, but Mr. Duygu’s was a breakthrough. The FGC-9 could be built entirely from scratch, without commercial gun parts, which are often regulated and tracked by law enforcement agencies internationally.

"Anyone with a commercial 3D printer, hundreds of dollars in materials, some metalworking skills and plenty of patience could become a gun owner."

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