Saturday, November 6, 2021

A step towards kidney exchange in Germany

 Here's an announcement of the German Medical Association's endorsement of kidney exchange, in the Deutsches Ärzteblatt.

Ärztetag spricht sich für Cross-over-Lebend­spende aus Mittwoch, 3. November 2021

Google translate: Doctors' day advocates cross-over living donation

"Berlin - The 125th German Medical Association (DÄT) has spoken out in favor of expanding the number of living organ donors. From the point of view of the medical parliament, a cross-over living donation - as it is already allowed in other countries - should also be made possible in Germany in the future.

"New legal regulations are required for this. Specifically, paragraph 8, approach 1 of the Transplantation Act (TPG) would have to be expanded, a donor-recipient pair can agree with a suitable second pair that two living organ donations are carried out crosswise (i.e. donor A / recipient B and vice versa).

"Living organ donation must be reorganized and rethought based on the current state of science," said Günther Matheis, President of the Rhineland-Palatinate Medical Association ( LÄKRLP ), at yesterday's debate.

T"he TPG currently limits the donor-recipient group for living organ donation to first- or second-degree relatives, spouses, fiancés or other persons who are obviously particularly close to the donor. The DÄT believes that a similar fate can bind people who have not been known to one another just as closely as people who are close to one another.

"In view of over 9,000 patients on the waiting lists who are urgently waiting for a life-sustaining transplant and the still far too low number of available donor organs, possible changes to the regulations on living organ donation have long been discussed in Germany."

HT: Axel Ockenfels

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