Friday, September 28, 2018

Bride price in rural China

The Washington Post has a story about efforts to cap rising bride prices in one Chinese rural town:

The ‘bride price’ in China keeps rising. Some villages want to put a cap on it.

"The new rule was taped onto doorways around town: Officials were limiting what a groom-to-be could pay for a bride.

"The going rate was about $38,000, or five times the average annual salary in this village about four hours outside of Beijing. Now, families were told to keep it below $2,900.

"Anything more and they would risk being accused of human trafficking.

"The “bride price” — cash, and possibly a house or other goodies to the bride-to-be’s parents — has been part of the marriage pact in most of China for centuries. The costs, though, are swelling as China copes with one of the biggest demographic imbalances in history."

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