Wednesday, December 20, 2017

U.S. laws on gestational surrogacy, state by state

The surrogacy agency & law firm Creative Family Connections LLC publishes a very informative interactive map (you can click on each state): 

Here's a picture (green is where it's a go...)


Surrogacy is permitted for all parents, pre-birth orders are granted throughout the state, and both parents will be named on the birth certificate. Go to the state page for more detailed information.
Surrogacy is permitted but results may be dependent on various factors or venue; OR only a post-birth parentage order is available. In some birth states additional post-birth legal procedure may be required. Click on any state on the map for more detailed information.
Note: The state where the baby is born must have a procedure to allow both parents to be named on the birth certificate without action in another state.


Proceed with caution. Surrogacy is practiced, but there are potential legal hurdles; or results may be inconsistent. Click on any state on the map for more detailed information.
Proceed with caution. Surrogacy is practiced, but there are potential legal hurdles; or results may be inconsistent. Click on any state on the map for more detailed information.


STOP! Statute or published case law prohibits compensated surrogacy contracts, OR a birth certificate naming both parents cannot be obtained. Click on any state on the map for more detailed information.

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