Friday, May 5, 2017

Highlights from the Barcelona GSE 10th Anniversary Celebration

You can find videos and photos from the 10th anniversary celebration of the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics (BGSE) here.  (The celebration took place on March 31 and April 1.)

I took part in a set of presentations on "The Practical Influence of Economic Research," with  Richard Blundell,  Matt Jackson, Anne Krueger, me, and Chris Sims ." BGSE Director Teresa Garcia-Milà moderated the discussion.

You can watch and listen to the whole thing here.

My remarks are from minute 33:50 to minute 45:00. (Among other things, I recall one of my first talks on kidney exchange, given almost 15 years ago at the Barcelona Clinic, a leading transplant center, and discuss how kidney exchange has come to account for a large percentage of living donor kidneys in Spain, as well as in the U.S.)

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