Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The singularity is not as near as you thought...

Artificial intelligence may not be poised to take over the world just yet, or at least there will be a distribution of intelligence even among the artificial kind.

I received an email from a biomedical literature service that would like me to sign up to keep track of articles related to one of mine, specifically

Roth AE: The art of designing markets. Harv Bus Rev; 2007 Oct;85(10):118-26, 166, PMID: 17972500

The top three related papers they suggest are (emphasis added)

1. The art of designing markets.
Roth AE.
Harv Bus Rev; 2007 Oct;85(10):118-26, 166.

2. [Art therapy and "art brut"].
Kovács E, Simon L.
Psychiatr Hung; 2010;25(4):323-32.

3. [Multiple pregnancies after ART: problems and possible solutions].
Shebl O, Ebner T, Sommergruber M, Sir A, Urdl W, Tews G.
Gynakol Geburtshilfliche Rundsch; 2007;47(1):3-8.

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