Here is the link to a 30 minute audio podcast of an interview about my new book Who Gets What and Why:
Here's the webpage of the show:
Working Capital Conversations: Leading thinkers, practitioners and experts discuss the ideas that drive global business.
The ideas seem laughable. Yet we live in an era that celebrates free markets and seems to celebrate the role of pricing in markets. But thanks to a range of factors – some old, like tradition; some new, like smart phones – new markets are popping up everywhere. And they’re not always developed by the traditional free market rules or price dynamics.
Here's the webpage of the show:
Conversation with Nobel Laureate Alvin Roth: Who Gets What — And Why
Wouldn’t life be easier if only getting into college were determined solely by price – who could pay most? Or marriage – love to the highest bidder? Or a new kidney – How much you got to survive?
So how do and should these new markets work?
That’s what the Nobel Laureate of Economic Sciences Alvin Roth set out to define. He explored the dynamics – rules, processes, expectations and more – of matching markets. Roth is Professor of Economics at Stanford, and one of the world’s leading experts in market design and game theory. His newest book describes that market design. It’s called “Who Gets What – and Why.”
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