Rosemarie Nagel writes to announce the
6th LeeX International Workshop co-organized with
Barcelona GSE Summer Forum on Theoretical and Experimental Macroeconomics, June 9/10, 2014. Keynote speakers are: Roger Guesnerie (Collège de France), Pradeep Dubey (Stony Brook University).
6th LeeX International Workshop co-organized with
Barcelona GSE Summer Forum on Theoretical and Experimental Macroeconomics, June 9/10, 2014. Keynote speakers are: Roger Guesnerie (Collège de France), Pradeep Dubey (Stony Brook University).
conference organizers are: John Duffy, University of California Irvine, Frank
Heinemann, Technical University of Berlin, Rosemarie Nagel,
ICREA and Universitat Pompeu Fabra, BGSE, and Shyam
Sunder (Yale University). Deadline January 31, 2015

Barcelona LeeX Experimental Economics Summer School in Macroeconomics in Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
June 8-14, 2015:
June 8-14, 2015:
Macroeconomic theories have traditionally been tested using non-experimental "field" data. However, modern, micro-founded macroeconomic models can also be tested in the laboratory, and researchers have begun to pursue such experimental tests. This June, graduate students specializing in macroeconomics or experimental economics, as well as junior faculty members and researchers of macroeconomic are invited to attend the third LeeX summer school devoted to experimental macroeconomics research. This year's program will focus on laboratory studies that are relevant to current global financial crisis.
The intensive 5 days summer school will be held from June 8 to 14, 2015 at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in Barcelona. Students will be taught experimental methods and exposed to a number of macroeconomic applications that have been tested experimentally. Students will be asked to participate in experiments and to develop their own experimental macroeconomic projects. Faculty will assist with and critique these projects. The different links on the top of this page will give you access to details regarding the particulars of the summer school in experimental macroeconomics.
We invite summer school students to present their ongoing research during the summer school. Such presentations may take the form of presentations during the summer school or a poster session during the associated conference workshop, depending on the number of students seeking to present their work. Such presentations will be at the discretion of the summer school organizers. Students can submit research proposals as part of their summer school application, though this is not a requirement for participation in the summer school. Indeed, one purpose of the summer school is to think of macroeconomic topics and models that can be implemented in the laboratory in a way that advances our knowledge of behavior.
Summer school students are also invited to attend the 2 day 6th LeeX International Workshop co-organized with Barcelona GSE Summer Forum on Theoretical and Experimental Macroeconomics from June 10-11, 2015 that will also take place at UPF.
The deadline for applications is Friday, April 10 2015.
Summer school in experimental macroeconomics faculty:
Summer school organizers
While you're there, don't miss
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