Thursday, November 24, 2016

Marilda Sotomayor wins the 2016 TWAS prize for Social Science

THE WORLD ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (TWAS), for the advancement of science in developing countries, has just announced its 2016 prizes:

TWAS has announced the winners of the TWAS Prizes for 2016 at the Academy's 27th General Meeting in Kigali, Rwanda.
TWAS Prizes are awarded in nine fields: Agricultural Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Mathematics, Medical Sciences, Physics, and Social Sciences (called the TWAS-Celso Furtado Prize). This year, there are 10 prize winners: two from Brazil; one from Chile; two from China; two from India; one from Mexico; one from Pakistan and one from Turkey. The prize winners include one woman.
Each TWAS Prize carries a cash award of USD15,000. The winners will lecture about their research at TWAS's 28th General Meeting in 2017, when they will also receive a plaque and the prize money.

Here is the part about Marilda:

Social Sciences
  • Marilda SOTOMAYOR of Brazil for her extraordinary contribution and innovative research in the field of matching markets  

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

My talk at UCEMA in Buenos Aires (video)

On my visit to Argentina my first talk (of 5) was at UCEMA, on November 16. You can see some pictures here.

Here is a video of my talk, about market design and my book Who Gets What and Why. My talk starts at minute 7:50.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Kidney exchange talk at INCUCAI in Buenos Aires

On my visit to Argentina last week I gave a talk Wednesday on kidney exchange at the Argentine transplant coordination authority INCUCAI, which was followed by a lively and largely positive discussion of how (and whether) to try to bring kidney exchange to Argentina.

El Premio Nobel de Economía Alvin Roth brindó una charla sobre donación y trasplante en el INCUCAI  (Google Translate: "The Nobel Prize in Economics Alvin Roth gave a talk about donation and transplantation in the INCUCAI"}

Both at INCUCAI and in my subsequent meeting in Tucuman, there was interest not only in kidney exchange, but in global kidney exchange, as Argentina presently has foreign patients on the deceased donor waiting lists at public hospitals.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Global Kidney Exchange to Overcome Financial Barriers to Kidney Transplantation

 Forthcoming in the American Journal of Transplantation:

Kidney Exchange to Overcome Financial Barriers to Kidney Transplantation
Michael A. Rees, Ty B. Dunn, Christian S. Kuhr, Christopher L. Marsh, Jeffrey Rogers, Susan E. Rees, Alejandra Cicero, Laurie J. Reece, Alvin E. Roth,
Obi Ekwenna, David E. Fumo, Kimberly D. Krawiec, Jonathan E. Kopke, Samay Jain, Miguel Tan, Siegfredo R. Paloyo

Accepted manuscript online: 7 November 2016

"This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as doi: 10.1111/ajt.14106"

Organ shortage is the major limitation to kidney transplantation in the developed world. Conversely, millions of end-stage renal disease patients in the developing world die because they cannot afford renal replacement therapy—even when willing living kidney donors exist. This juxtaposition between countries with funds but no available kidneys and those with available kidneys but no funds, prompts us to propose an exchange program utilizing each nation's unique assets. Our proposal leverages the cost savings achieved through earlier transplantation over dialysis to fund the cost of kidney exchange between developed-world patient/donor pairs with immunological barriers and developing-world patient/donor pairs with financial barriers. By making developed-world healthcare available to impoverished patients in the developing world, we replace unethical transplant tourism with global kidney exchange—a modality equally benefitting rich and poor. We report the one-year experience of an initial Filipino pair, whose recipient was transplanted in the US with an American donor's kidney at no cost to him. The Filipino donor donated to an American in the US through a kidney exchange chain. Follow-up care and medications in the Philippines were supported by funds from the US. We show that the logistical obstacles in this approach, although considerable, are surmountable.

And here's that first GKE chain to date: it started with an American non-directed donor (blood type A) donating to the Filipino patient, and this chart shows the first 11 transplants that resulted.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Visit to Tucuman, Argentina, where there may be prospects for kidney exchange

During my visit to Argentina, my host, Julio Elias, arranged a number of talks and meetings which I'll report on as I get organized.  Some of the meetings were about the prospects of organizing kidney exchange in Argentina (where there has already been one famous exchange).  My first meeting on this subject was in Buenos Aires, my second in Tucuman. Both were promising.

Here are some reports from Tucuman.
Here's an account of my meeting with Governor  Juan Manzur and the Minister of Public Health Rossana Chahla and their colleagues, on November 18.
Manzur se reunió con el premio Nobel de Economía Alvin Roth

Here's a news story that combines an interview with me (the reporter asked first about Donald Trump and only then about kidneys), followed by some comments by the Minister of Public Health on the prospects for kidney exchange:

“Las barreras al comercio en Estados Unidos afectarán a países desarrollados y a emergentes”

from Google Translate:
"The health minister of the province, Rossana Chahla said that the Government was interested in the visit of the American expert for their expertise in increasing the number of transplants and ablations, and the possibility of replicating this model in Tucuman.

"from here we will coordinate with Argentine economists studying this issue and we want to have a specialist to see visit how to work in Chicago (United States) and bring solutions to the province benefit people , "he said.

on the other hand, the official said that the work of Roth have shown that interventions crossed kidney transplants allow the state to reduce costs in dialysis treatments and reduce waiting lists of patients.

" in the United States there is a law that allows cross and living donor transplants, which means that by a living donor, you can make a donation chain where several people benefit , "said Health Minister, as appropriated news agency Telam .

he added that in Argentina this can only be done with a court order and stressed that, therefore, only transplants are specified with cadaver donor, generating extensive waiting lists for access to organs.

"the US system reduces lists and Roth shows that these interventions reduces health costs, and helps solve the quality of life of people because not to do dialysis and can be reinserted fast occupationally "analyzed Chahla. "
And here's a report of a subsequent meeting held by Dr Chahla:

Mejoras en materia de trasplantes (Improvements in transplant).
"Minister of Public Health, Dr. Rossana Chahla, met with the director of Cucaituc, Dr. Aldo Bunader to treat transplant referral service issues in the province. They were attended by Nobel Prize-winning economist Alvin Roth, who offered to work together in what refers to Software, donation and transplantation cross.

Bunader was satisfied with the points raised and by the visit of economist Roth. "We have been meeting with him. He offered all their service, make an agreement and exchange; We're very pleased with that part, "he said."

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Match-Up 2017, call for papers

Friday, November 18, 2016

LI Reunión Anual de la Asociación Argentina de Economía Política: Nov 16-18

I'll be speaking today at the Conference of the Argentine Association of Political Economy:
  • Fecha de Inicio: 16/11/2016
  • Fecha de Finalización: 18/11/2016
  • Dónde: San Miguel de Tucumán, Tucumán, Argentina
  • Dirección: Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales- UNT


En esta ocasión con motivo del Bicentenario de la Independencia, se decide que nuestra provincia sea anfitriona, destacando la participación de los siguientes emblemas del ámbito de la economía:
• Alvin Roth. Premio Nobel en Economía, año 2012.
• Profesor Iván Werning. Referente del MIT (Massachussetts Institute of Tecnology)
• Federico Sturzennegger. Presidente del Banco Central.
En cuanto a las actividades que se realizarán, los causantes informan que están programadas conferencias magistrales a cargo de los disertantes mencionados, además de mesas panel y sesiones simultáneas donde se tratan temas de interés para la profesión y su incidencia en la sociedad.
Considerando que la Reunión de la AAEP es el evento más importante de la profesión y la importancia de los disertantes confirmados, los organizadores estiman la participación de 300 asistentes. 

Alvin Roth se graduó de investigación de operaciones en la Universidad de Columbia (1971), y realizó su master (1973) y su doctorado (1974) también en investigación de operaciones en la Universidad de Standford.
Roth es catedrático universitario en Harvard y Stanford e investiga en teoría de los juegos, la economía experimental y el diseño del mercado. Es conocido por su enfoque en la aplicación de su teoría económica a soluciones en los problemas del mundo real.
En 2012 ganó el Premio Nobel de Economía conjuntamente con Lloyd Shapley por su trabajo: “La teoría sobre la asignaciones estables y la práctica del diseño de mercado”. 

Thursday, November 17, 2016

National Living Donor Assistance Center (NLDAC) Links

If someone you know in the U.S. needs travel assistance to be a living kidney donor, let them know about NLDAC:


Each year, the NLDAC Advisory Group meets to review program information and make recommendations for improvements. This year, the Advisory Group meeting was led by their new chair, Zoe Stewart, MD, PhD, MPH. We would like to thank this dedicated group of volunteers for their time and expertise: Brenda Dyson; Cathy Garvey, RN, BA, CCTC; Adam Gray, LCSW, CCTSW;  Maryl Johnson, MD; Marie Morgievich, BS, BSN, MSN, CCTC; Lisa Morrison, Kay Payne, PhD; Al Roth, PhD; Jennifer Steel, PhD; Jane Tan, MD, PhD, MS; Betsy Walsh, JD, MPH; Errol Williams; Alexander Wiseman, MD; Warren (Kip) Wright, MSW, LCSW; Mesmin Germain, MPH, MBA (Ex Officio); and Frank Holloman (Ex Officio). 
NLDAC Advisory Group and Program Team Members 
September 30th, 2016
Arlington, VA

NLDAC Survey Comments - September 2016
The Results are In words in newspaper headlines to illustrate voting or election survey or poll results reported by news outlets"I am so appreciative that this program exists to help the process run smoothly!! Thank you SO very much!"-Living Donor, Methodist Specialty & Transplant Hospital, San Antonio, TX

"Over all this was wonderful experience and I would do it again if was able."-Living Donor, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Bethesda, MD

"Very helpful - would have been very difficult financially without the help."-Living Donor, Rochester Methodist Hospital - Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN

"You guys were amazing. I could not have donated without your help!"
-Living Donor, University of Utah Medical Center, Salt Lake City, UT
"You all do a great job. I cannot see anything to improve the NLDAC. Thank you so much for helping me and my family. Thanks!!!"
-Living Donor, University of Maryland Medical System, Baltimore, MD

"This is a wonderful program that made a huge difference in my life. It made it possible not to worry about the fact that I was not supporting the rest of my family because I was spending so much on the process. HUGE BLESSING!"-Living Donor, Abbott Northwestern Hospital, Minneapolis, MN

Contact Us!
If you have questions or comments about our program or need assistance completing an application, please contact the NLDAC team at Toll Free: 1-888-870-5002, Phone: 703-414-1600, Fax: 703-414-7874 or E-mail: We are located in Arlington, VA and are available M-F 9:00am-5:00pm ET. NLDAC provides services via a HRSA grant awarded to the University of Arizona and the partners listed below. 

Health Resources and Services Administration | American Society of Transplant Surgeons | University of Arizona Health Sciences | Arbor Research Collaborative for Health | Washington University - Missouri | Mayo Clinic - Arizona

Funding for this project is supported by grant number U13HS07689 from the Healthcare System Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  The contents of this electronic newsletter are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the funder.  
Educational Videos

#1 Who is Eligible for NLDAC?

#2 How to Apply for NLDAC

#3 After NLDAC Application is Approved

Worksheets English

Worksheets Spanish

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Talk at Universidad del CEMA

El Nobel Alvin Roth en UCEMA

El miércoles 16 de noviembre a las 18 h. Alvin Roth, Nobel de Economía 2012, brindará una conferencia exclusiva en la UCEMA:Who gets what and why: the new economics of matchmaking and market design.

Una de las centrales contribuciones de Roth es haber colaborado con el desarrollo del sistema de intercambios de donaciones de riñones (en inglés, kidney paired donation), o donación renal cruzada, en los que parejas de donantes y receptores que son incompatibles buscan a otro par o pares de donantes y pacientes compatibles para realizar un intercambio, reduciendo el tiempo de espera.

Roth es un verdadero ingeniero de mercados. Es uno de los pocos economistas que tienen la capacidad de, además de ser fuerte en lo teórico, hacer desarrollos muy aplicables, que buscan mejorar el bienestar.

Encuentro organizado por la Maestría en Economía de la UCEMA. Entrada libre y gratuita en Auditorio Reconquista 775, previa inscripción. La Conferencia se brindará en inglés.

Agradecemos la gestión de la Asociación Argentina de Economía Política (AAEP), la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán y el Ente Provincial Bicentenario Tucumán 2016, que permitieron concretar la visita de Alvin Roth al país.
Here's the poster:

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Should Compensation for Bone Marrow Donors be Legal? a panel discussion in Washington

If you're at loose ends in DC today: 
It’s a felony to compensate organ donors, but what counts as an organ is not always so clear. The stem cells contained in bone marrow are also present in the bloodstream, and are routinely extracted to be used in transplants to treat cancers and many blood and immune disorders. Should these cells be treated as an organ like bone marrow, or should the law permit compensation for blood stem cells just as it does for other non-invasive procedures like plasma or whole blood donation?
This a question the Health Resources and Services Administration is currently considering. With a substantial gap in the supply and demand for bone marrow transplants, particularly among racial minorities, how they choose to regulate will affect the lives of thousands of patients each year.
Join the Niskanen Center and the Georgetown Institute for the Study of Markets and Ethics for an expert panel on the legal, ethical and economic issues surrounding compensation for bone marrow, including:
Robert McNamara
Senior Attorney, Institute for Justice
Mario Macis
Associate Professor of Economics, Johns Hopkins Carey Business School
Peter Jaworski
Assistant Teaching Professor, Georgetown University
Doug Grant
CEO, Hemeos
Samuel Hammond
Poverty and Welfare Policy Analyst, Niskanen Center

Where:428a Russell Senate Office Building
Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship Hearing Room
November 15 from 3:00-4:30pm

Monday, November 14, 2016

Some unscreened NYC high schools would like to be able to choose the most interested students

Here's the story from WNYC: Theme High Schools Long to Find the Most Interested Applicants

The story talks about some of NYC's specialized high schools, like Food and Finance High School, which apparently aren't allowed to interview students, and worry that not all of the students who are assigned to them are as passionate about Food and Finance as they might be, and might object to all the dirty dishes that they'll have to wash at a cooking school.

Some of the teachers interviewed seem to think they might prefer an immediate acceptance algorithm that would assign them students who ranked them first on their preference lists.

I'm skeptical about that, but I can well imagine that it would indeed serve the school and some students well to make places for the passionate cooks. Allowing the school to interview and rank students would help with that.

HT: Jacob Leshno

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Interviews in Brazilian newspapers about Who Gets What and Why

Here are two interviews in connection with the Portuguese translation of Who Gets What and Why.

In Folha de S.Paulo:
Prêmio Nobel analisa mercados em que só o dinheiro não basta
(Nobel Prize analyzes markets where only money is not enough)

In O Globo: Alvin Roth afirma ver os mercados até em aplicativos como o Tinder
(Alvin Roth says see the markets even in applications like Tinder)

Roth, Alvin E. Como funcionam os mercados: A nova economia das combinações e do desenho de mercado. Portfolio-Penguin, 2016.