Friday, August 23, 2024

Blood donation by family members in India: LGBT donors still banned

 In India, where the shortage of blood supplies is addressed by having family members donate, the ban on donation by LGBT people is a serious constraint.

The BBC has the story:

LGBT Indians demand end to 'discriminatory' ban on blood donation  by Umang Poddar

"In 2018, India's top court legalised gay sex in a landmark ruling - but the country still doesn't allow transgender people and gay and bisexual men to donate blood.

"People from the LGBT community say the decades-old ban is "discriminatory" and have gone to court to challenge it.


"Activists argue that apart from it being discriminatory, the ban is also irrational because of the high demand for blood transfusions in the country.

"A study published by the Public Library of Science in 2022 estimated that India faced an annual deficit of around one million units of blood."

HT: Vincent Jappah



Tuesday, November 28, 2023

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