Sunday, December 4, 2022

It's not so easy to become a living kidney donor: report from the Cleveland Clinic

 It's not so easy to become a living kidney donor.  Here's a report on the pipeline at the Cleveland Clinic:

Cholin, Liza K., Jesse D. Schold, Med MStat, Susana Arrigain, Emilio D. Poggio, John R. Sedor, John F. O’Toole, Joshua J. Augustine, and Alvin C. Wee. " Characteristics of Potential and Actual Living Kidney Donors: A Single Center Experience, Transplantation (2022).

It's concerning to see that 164 donor candidates were rejected at this center for being "ABO or crossmatch incompatible."  Were they told about the possibility of kidney exchange?


"There was a mean of 2.8 and median of 1 (1, 3) potential donors for every 1 transplant candidate that did not receive a kidney. There was a mean of 5.9 and median of 2 (1, 5) potential donors for every 1 transplant candidate that received a kidney."

HT: Frank McCormick

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