Thursday, August 10, 2023

Ned Brooks on Coalition to Modify NOTA

Ned Brooks (about whom I've often blogged) is putting his eloquence and organizational skills to the task of increasing organ donation by allowing organ donors to be compensated. Below is a short video of an address he gave to the National Kidney Donation Organization (NKDO) which he founded, about his new effort, the Coalition to Modify NOTA.


Here's a copy of the email that came with the video:


To the NKDO Membership:


Thank you for your responses to the survey asking if NKDO should support the Coalition to Modify NOTA (CMN), formed by non-directed donors Ned Brooks, Elaine Perlman and Cody Maynard.


87% of our membership supports the mission statement of CMN as follows:


The Coalition to Modify NOTA ( is created in response to the inability of the current system to adequately address the crisis of kidney failure in the United States. The National Organ Transplant Act of 1984 prohibits the compensation of organ donors.


The current system of deceased donations and voluntary living donation is grossly inadequate to the task of completely ending the shortage of transplant kidneys and saving the lives of patients in kidney failure who are dying unnecessarily each year. 

We believe that the solution to this crisis is to have the government compensate donors in a manner that is neither exploitative nor coercive. The Coalition to Modify NOTA seeks the modification of the National Organ Transplant Act to allow such government compensation.


Watch this presentation on the Coalition to Modify NOTA by Ned Brooks.


To sign your name in support of the Mission Statement, please go to Join the Coalition.


Kind regards,


Matt Cavanaugh, CEO and President

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