Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Kidney exchange in Germany? It will need an amendment to the Transplantation Act

Axel Ockenfels points out that the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung has a recent piece on "Tauschen wir die Nieren?" ("Do we exchange kidneys?"). I can't find it online, but here's a picture:

Google translate renders the opening paragraphs as follows:

"Patients wait a long time for donor organs. That can be changed - with a proposal that has received the Nobel Prize.
Organ donation is literally a matter of life and death. Anyone who receives the urgently needed organ in good time lives on. In Germany, however, many are waiting for the necessary transplantation - often for years. At the same time, the number of organ donations is falling. So how can the number of donated organs be increased so that affected people can live? That's a tricky question, because too many answers tend to limit the voluntary nature of the donation. On Wednesday, the topic is on the agenda of German politics, when the Health Committee of the Bundestag deals with the amendment of the Transplantation Act.
The economists Dorothea Kübler and Axel Ockenfels advise the politicians to take a look at living donations. Kidneys or parts of the liver can also be donated by living people - and this is much less common in Germany than in other countries. The proposal goes in the direction of the FDP parliamentary group around the chairman Christian Lindner, who are pushing for more living donations. In a motion for the health committee on Wednesday, the FDP is proposing to allow the cross-donation of two couples and an anonymous live donation to an organ pool. "

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