Saturday, March 12, 2016

Lloyd S. Shapley 1923- 2016

I turned on my phone after landing from Frankfurt, and found an email from Lloyd's son Peter Shapley, saying that Lloyd passed away in his sleep at around 12:45 AM today, March 12.

The world is the less...

Update: see some obituaries here-- Lloyd Shapley: obituaries, and memories


  1. Besides Lloyd's lasting contributions to game theory, he was a superb Kriegspiel player. In the years at Rand he rose around noon and worked into the night. At UCLA, he could be reached by phone only by multiple entreaties to his protective secretary that I was an old friend, an effort that failed to secure Sylvia Nasar an interview with him for the book about Nash -- his view was that journalists can never be trusted to state technical material correctly, and her book was indeed a prime example, to the dismay of (among others) Paul Cohen who unlike Shapley agreed to an interview. I liked the Economist obituary's quote from Lloyd that ""I consider myself a mathematician and the award is for economics. I never, never in my life took a course in economics", which was deeply accurate of his attitude.

  2. @Bob, for a brief moment, I thought you wrote "Kriegsspiel" or "War-Gaming", which was going to open an entirely new discussion!


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