Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Kidney exchange, satirical Onion video and an HBS case study

Recently my HBS colleagues taught a case study on kidney exchange called Kidney Matchmakers (featuring Mike Rees at the Alliance for Paired Donation).

They debated whether to also show this satirical video from The Onion (but good taste prevailed and they decided not to): Anonymous Philanthropist Donates 200 Human Kidneys To Hospital


  1. Hi Al, I see the following sentence in the description of the case study: "Kidney exchange is an idea pioneered by HBS professor and market designer Alvin Roth and a small group of innovative doctors." I know that you have been trying to give adequate credit to myself and Utku Unver but somehow your HBS colleagues seem to be entirely unaware that kidney exchange was a fully joint effort between the three of us (and later with doctors Delmonico and Saidman) and as economists co-authorship order is based on the last name.

  2. yes indeed. The original papers are all by Roth, Sonmez and Unver. I hope the case itself (which I can't access) makes that clear even if the promotional materials don't.

  3. Got a copy of the case, and Sonmez and Unver are mentioned clearly on the first page as well as in a reference note...


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