Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The wholesale market for art

We often think of the art market as essentially retail--each artwork is unique--but that's because we aren't art buyers for hotels, in which every room needs a painting or a print or two.

Hong Kong: Art in Big Batches

"Our first two appointments in Hong Kong were separate meetings with art consultants, Sandra Walters at Sandra Walters Art Consultancy and Nicole Jelicich at Enjay Art Consultancy. They collaborate with designers and property owners in providing art for hotels and corporate clients. They work in a volume unheard of in any gallery. Think thousands and tens of thousands of artworks. A new hotel—and there are hundreds under construction in China now—needs thousands of works for the rooms and the public areas. Both consultants have provided work for Ritz Carltons, Intercontinental Hotels, Four Seasons, Morgan Stanley and hundreds of other clients."

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I came to your blog by googling for some information about wholesale for my art and I have a question and hope that you will be able to read this even though this post is older.

    A few years back my creativity skyrocketed because of a challenge I gave myself which came by way of something unexpectedly happening to me. I ended up creating over 10,000 pieces of original art on paper average size 17"x11" and will be doing this again as a live streaming 24/7 project for a whole year. These pieces were and still are being created in the abstract expressionism style of creating.

    What I am wanting to know is if you have any suggestions as to where or how I can get some of my work in front of the types of people you wrote about in this blog that take care of acquiring art for hotels in Japan or China (just to name a couple of countries).

    Thank-you for taking the time to read this and for your suggestions.


    Kris Haas


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