Monday, September 16, 2024

Preference signaling for urologists (including Flush Day)

 It's been very interesting for me to watch the growth of preference signaling to combat congestion in applications and interviews, from its beginnings in the job market for new Ph.D. economists, to its spread through the medical specialty job markets hosted by the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP), and on to medical specialties that run their own matches, such as urology.

So, if you want to be a urologist, take note of the signaling deadline today:

The Society of Academic Urologists Resident Match Program 

Applicant Preference Signaling Deadline is today, September 16, 2024

The SAU has a good deal of supporting material on their site. 

Here's a summary of their interview and offer procedures: Interview Offer Summary (which includes an appropriately named Flush Day for finalizing interviews).

And here's their page on Preference Signaling, linking to this Overview, FAQs, and webinar.

The SAU invites applicants to send up to 30 signals, and encourages them to include programs that know them well on their signaling list.  So (as I've remarked in previous posts) I think this is likely to work as a soft cap on applications.

HT: Mike Rees

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