Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Global Entry: blanket discrimination replaces "extreme vetting"

A number of Iranian scientists received messages yesterday from U.S. Customs and Border Protection. These are long-term American residents who had chosen to go through the personal interview process needed to get into the Global Entry Program, which allows trusted travelers to enter the U.S. in an expedited way.  (I use Global Entry, and it allows me to go to a kiosk which examines my passport and fingerprints, without the necessity of standing in a long line to speak to a border agent.)

Nevertheless, these individuals have been informed that they no longer meet the eligibility requirements. (Here's a screen shot...)

Note that the people who received this message had already passed "a comprehensive background investigation."  Presumably that is what is meant by "extreme vetting."  But now, it seems, a blanket nationality ban is being invoked.

That is, as someone might say, "Sad."

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday I received a revoke letter for my Global Entry. Me, my wife, and 3 kids.

    We've been in the US for 4 years and my youngest kid is US Citizen, all of us lost our global entry.

    What happened? I was vetted for 5 years, did tons of background check, all that and I saved lifes working with the US Marines, Army, Airforce, DoJ and bunch of others.

    I am speechless!!!


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