Thursday, July 5, 2012

Priority for _live_ organ donation in Israel

 I've recently posted about the new Israeli organ donation law which gives priority for deceased donor organs to those who have signed deceased donor cards themselves (see here and here and, earlier, here). However there's no provision to give priority to people who have made live donations (typically of a kidney).  Here's an article (in Hebrew) about a proposal to change that: 

Ron Shorrer provides a translation (he says he 'upgraded' the Google translation):

"The health Committee of the Knesset approved today (Monday) for the first reading the bill allowing prioritizing transplants to living organ donor, even if they donated to a relative. So far only ADI card holders  who needed a transplant received priority , but those who donated to their relative  remained outside the scope of the law, not winning this priority.

"These livedonors go through a process so difficult," said the discussion MK Gal-On (Meretz), who initiated the bill along with committee chairman MK Haim Katz (Likud). "There is no difference in suffering between those who donated to a stranger and those who donated to a family member. "Galon stressed that the bill has the support of the government.

"It took hard rehabilitation over three months," said Dina Abecassis Committee, which donated a kidney to her brother patient 15 years ago. "Family members should be encouraged to donate organs, since there is 99% match. I say that the Benefit also should apply retroactively to everyone who donated organs years ago, like me, not only from the entry into force of the law".

"Today people are donating to family members in the lack of choice," said Amos wing debate, Israel's national chairman kidney transplant patients. "They do it because there is hardly no donations from the dead . We need to reward even more the  family members who donate. "

"Representative of the Ministry of Health, Mr. Meir Broder praised the bill and noted that an organ donor is at health risk and therefore should be provided with a safety net as suggested in this amendment.

"Hundreds of Israeli patients are waiting right now  for an organ donation and the bill that we submitted  may encourage family members to pitch in and contribute," said committee chairman MK Haim Katz. "Later we will discuss the application of the legislative process to the benefit of family members who donated in years past."

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