Tuesday, August 30, 2011

More on the taking of photos

Here are two followups on my earlier post today on British Airways' claims about photographs. The first via Paola Manzini, concerns US Airways' similar claims. The second, via Ben Edelman, concerns a very recent court victory in the U.S. by the ACLU, regarding citizens' rights to photograph police officers.

Woman thrown off U.S. Airways flight for taking a picture of rude air steward's name tag.
"A photographer was thrown off a U.S. Airways flight and branded a security risk after she took a photo of a rude air steward's name tag so she could complain about her."

A Victory for Recording in Public!
"The CMLP is thrilled to report that in the case of Glik v. Cunniffe, which the CMLP has blogged previously and in which the CMLP attempted to file an amicus brief, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit has issued a resounding and unanimous opinion in support of the First Amendment right to record the actions of police in public."

1 comment:

  1. Your juxtaposition of the flight attendant scenarios with the ruling about photographing police officers is begging for a clever explanation as to why they are at all similar.

    If I recall (off the top of my head) the police officer ruling used very specific language when it referred to the expected privacy of uniformed public servants. While flight attendants may be uniformed, they are arguably not public, and using the word servant is certainly out of the question


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